wish / eventmaster

Event storage API server
MIT License
11 stars 8 forks source link
cassandra data-center eventmaster-server eventstore grafana-annotations grafana-datasource opensource


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There are lots of events that happen in production such as deploys, service restarts, scale-up operations, etc. Right now these events happen, but we have no centralized place to track them -- which means we have no centralized place to search them. This project implements a service that:



Get Code

$ git clone \
    git@github.com:wish/eventmaster.git \


Dependencies are currently fetched using Go Modules. These are set up as dependencies to the default make target, so running:


will emit $GOPATH/bin/eventmaster after fetching and compiling dependencies.


After running make eventmaster can be called directly:

$ $GOPATH/bin/eventmaster

Giving no flags eventmaster runs with sane option.


Various aspects of eventmaster can be controlled through a collection of flags and options in a json config file. This will be consolidated when issue #32 is resolved.

The config provided in etc/eventmaster.json encodes the default values assumed by eventmaster if run without specifying a config file (-c). If these settings do not work for your service, please modify etc/eventmaster.json to specify values such as the addresses of the Cassandra cluster along with other database options.

Of note if "cassandra_config":"service_name" is non-empty then eventmaster currently uses discovery to find the IPs of the Cassandra cluster.

For example the port of the eventmaster server can be configured using the --port option, and if an alternate cassandra address needs to be specified adjust a eventmaster.json file and specify that it is used by providing the -c flag.

Open the eventmaster UI in your browser (default: http://localhost:50052). The UI can be used to create and query topics, data centers, and events.

Database Connection

Eventmaster currently supports two database backends: Postgres (preferred) and Cassandra (deprecated). The choice of database needs to supplied in the data_store field of the config file.

To connect to a Postgres database, serveral fields have to be set in the configration file. This includes:

Although no longer recommended, you can connect to a Cassandra database by setting the following fields:

An example of the config file can be found here

Database Setup

Execute schema.sql or schema.cql from the schema directory on your database cluster. This will set up the tables needed.


Tests can be run (using the go tool) by calling:

$ make test

Adding annotations to a Grafana dashboard

This is documented in the documentation subdirectory


This is documented in the documentation subdirectory.