wit-ai / wit-unity

Wit-Unity is a Unity C# wrapper around the the Wit.ai rest APIs and is a core component of Voice SDK.
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error unity with example provided #20

Closed eonianvr closed 2 years ago

eonianvr commented 2 years ago

I created the created wit configuration file and called it from the SHAPE example inside the wit(script).

I get an error "Configuration is not set. Cannot start request." when running the Shape unity example.


yolanother commented 2 years ago

Make sure your Wit object in your scene has its wit configuration value set. That's where the scene gets it at runtime.


eonianvr commented 2 years ago

Hi, I did that indeed. The error is still showing (unity 2019.4.8f1)

here is the full error in the console:

Configuration is not set. Cannot start request.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
com.facebook.witai.WitRequest:StartRequest (System.Uri) (at Library/PackageCache/com.facebook.witai@92f225730f/Scripts/Runtime/WitRequest.cs:192)
com.facebook.witai.WitRequest:Request () (at Library/PackageCache/com.facebook.witai@92f225730f/Scripts/Runtime/WitRequest.cs:184)
com.facebook.witai.data.WitConfigurationData:UpdateData (System.Action) (at Library/PackageCache/com.facebook.witai@92f225730f/Scripts/Runtime/Configuration/WitConfigurationData.cs:24)
com.facebook.witai.data.WitConfiguration:UpdateData (System.Action) (at Library/PackageCache/com.facebook.witai@92f225730f/Scripts/Runtime/Configuration/WitConfiguration.cs:49)
WitConfigurationEditor:OnEnable () (at Library/PackageCache/com.facebook.witai@92f225730f/Scripts/Editor/Configuration/WitConfigurationEditor.cs:55)
eonianvr commented 2 years ago

problem solved. I was just plain stupid and accidentally grab the demo scene from the package instead of the assets.