witnet / research

Research items and academic publications produced by the Witnet Foundation team
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Witnet Research

FDLv1.3 Licensed GPLv3.0 Licensed GitHub contributors Github last commit

Witnet research is an open source repository to allocate research items and academic publications produced by the Witnet Foundation team.

Design goals

As any other blockchain, Witnet protocol aims to guarantee the common properties such as safety, liveness and fault tolerance. Yet, we would like to focus on the design goals that make Witnet different from other solutions.


We envision this project as a protocol for everybody, thus, one of the main characteristics the protocol will need to achieve is fairness. We have seen many examples of decentralized protocols in which competition between peers is somehow unfair in terms of hardware capabilities or initial stake. Aiming at balancing the data request serving opportunities of all nodes (either newcomers or highly reputed), we have designed Witnet with two sharp ideas in mind:

Data Integrity

As a decentralized oracle solution, Witnet’s main goal is to provide smart contracts with unaltered data from the data sources that witnesses are requested to query. Note that the former is very different from providing the truth: Witnet is not designed to guarantee that the provided answer to a question is a true fact (e.g. the temperature in Madrid is 25 degrees), but rather to guarantee that the provided information is representative (after applying aggregation, filtering and consensus functions defined in the request) of the response the queried sources gave to the query (e.g., according to weather.com the temperature in Madrid is 25 degrees). In order to minimize the potential differences between “the truth” and the provided data point, the data retrieval has the following characteristics:

Fully parameterizable

Last but not least, we envision a decentralized oracle solution that should be as parameterizable as possible. The main goal is to make the platform is flexible enough to enable as many use cases as possible, which may require different types of setups, incentives and trade-offs.

Some examples about this parameterization are:

Some examples for these customizable incentives are:

Ironically, even if all of these customizable incentive mechanisms contribute to make Witnet an exceptionally robust design , one of the main virtues of this system lays indeed in what is not parameterizable: the committee selection. In Witnet, committee members (the nodes in charge of resolving a specific data request) are selected unpredictably through Verifiable Random Functions (VRF) weighted by the participants’ reputation scores. That is, the more reputed your node is, the more committees it will end up sitting on.

Research items

Witnet research includes many different research items and publications intended to contribute to several components of the Witnet ecosystem:


Witnet research documentation is published under the GNU Free Documentation License v1.3.

Witnet research software is published under the GNU General Public License v3.0.