wiwihere / wiwi-bot

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Gw2 Log Manager

This log manager is specifically geared towards tracking clears within a raid static. It will upload logs to dps.report and create a discord message using webhooks with the run times. It also compares the runs with previous results and shows how you did on the leaderboard. For any questions or feature requests feel free to slide into the discord server Wiwi's Corner.


It is a local tool that uses dps logs from arc-dps and uploads them to dps.report. The log manager will create a discord message for a raiding or fractal session. It will post new logs while raiding every time there is one available. Or just upload the full run afterwards.

Apart from uploading the logs to dps.report, they will be processed locally first using the https://github.com/baaron4/GW2-Elite-Insights-Parser.

Static clears

Raid message Fractal message

(4:41) cleartime of the encounter\ +1:07 Time between the end of the previous kill run and the start of the current kill run. If its the first log in the session it will be 0:00, unless there is a fail log. \ Medals indicate position on leaderboard, comparing the speed of that run with all historic runs.\ Invalid medals mean that there were more pugs than allowed (check settings).\ below average 5s slower than average\ above average 5s faster than average, but not in top 3\ wipe_50% Wipe, red indicates how much health left. More red = lower boss health. Hover to see remaining health percentage.\ click_wipe%\ Clicking the skull icon will also open the log of that run. Does sadly not work on phone.\ Amount of core members in the run.\ Amount of pugs in the run.\ 2:47:15 Total runtime of combined runs. Only shows when all encounters have been successfully killed. For raids and strikes the whole week is checked. Fractals need to be cleared on the same day. For each day the total time between the first and last log is taken.\ _Only selected encounters count, see the setup guide._\ Emboldened runs will not count towards leaderboards.


\ Click the medal to go to the dps report.\ Hover the medal if there is not a log to see the date of the run.

Cerus Legendary CM

Track Cerus LCM progression. Same could be set up for HT.

The link to dps.report is found by clicking the ★ (LCM) or ☆ (normal cm). Time left on the clock when breakbar phase starts is logged, to give indication if the run would have even be possible.

When more than 120s delay between two logs, the delay will be shown. To indicate where breaks were taken.

The top 3 logs are indicated with trophies. The title number (#11) indicates the day of progression.


The log manager is built on a django framework with a local sqlite database, only tested on Windows. All we need is a local python environment to run the scripts. Below installation is done with miniforge, but feel free to use any other python distribution to your liking.


  1. Download this github page as zip (Code -> Download ZIP) and place it anywhere. Unpack the zip. -- optional -- To later be able to update easily, install https://github.com/apps/desktop and use that to download this repo.
  2. Install the python environment. Download miniforge. Make sure to tick the option to add python 3.10 to system path.
  3. Run Miniforge Prompt as admin. And run the following code;
    mamba env create -f "C:\Users\Wiwi\Documents\github\wiwi-bot\environment.yml" #Change to download location
  4. -- optional -- Use the IDE of your choice if you need to debug errors or want a bit more control. I use vs-code-insiders:\ a. Install the python and jupyter extensions.\ b. File -> Open Folder -> select the folder with the unpacked zip from 1.\ c. Open the file wiwi-bot/gw2_database/scripts/import_dps_report.py\ d. On the bottom right click the python interpreter select interpreter and select the python env we installed at step 2; python env.\ e. Run the code with shift+enter or by pressing alt text above the code blocks.
  5. Enable logging to file in arcdps, can be done in-game alt+shift+t.\ activate logging

Initial setup

A couple tokens and keys need to be set so the results can be posted to discord.

  1. Rename bot_settings\.env-example to bot_settings\.env.

    • .env\CONDA_DIR -> rename C:\Users\Wiwi\miniforge3 to your own conda or mamba installation (step 2 in software)
    • .env\DPS_REPORT_USERTOKEN -> place userToken from https://dps.report/getUserToken after = sign.
    • .env\CORE_MINIMUM_RAID -> [0 to 10] Minimum core members in run for leaderboard
    • .env\CORE_MINIMUM_FRACTAL -> [0 to 5] Minimum core members in run for leaderboard
    • .env\INCLUDE_NON_CORE_LOGS -> [True or False] When True non core runs are still posted on leaderboard, but they get a red background emote (e.g. )
    • .env\MEAN_OR_MEDIAN -> [mean or median] Choose what unranked runs are compared with, the median or mean of all runs.
    • .env\MEDALS_TYPE -> Choose which medals are used. options are ['original', 'percentile', 'newgame']
  2. In discord we have 3 channels running. Create a webhook for each and copy the webhook URL into the env.

    discord_channels\ Make sure to tick the option:\ discord_use_emoji

    discord Server Setttings -> integrations -> Webhooks -> Copy Webhook URL

  3. Within the leaderboards channel create threads for: raids, strikes and fractals.

    • Get the thread id by right click -> copy link or -> paste only the last 18 digit number in the .env.
  4. Setup the database. Copy gw2_datase/db-empty.sqlite3 to gw2_datase/db.sqlite3.

  5. Add core members to the database, see Add a core member.


For runs on the same day just run bin\run_logs_today.cmd from the file-explorer. This will upload only raid, strike and fractal logs. To filter the uploading for a specific instance run the respective .cmd (e.g. run_logs_today_raid.cmd)

To import history run bin\run_logs_date.cmd from the file-explorer. Then enter the date and the instance type. Leave empty to use raid strike fractal.\ run_logs_date

Upload from url

To upload from a list on urls. Paste the urls in bin\urls.txt and run the cmd file bin\upload_from_url.cmd\


Everything can be customized. Easiest way to make edits to the database is by firing up Django.

Add a core member:

Add members to the players list to have them appear as a core member.

Add new encounter

When parsing a log from an encounter that is not in the database yet, the script will throw a warning and ignore it. If .env/DEBUG is set to True an error will be raised instead. \ missing_bossid

The encounter will have to be added to the database if you want it to show up on discord.

Removing logs

To remove logs or a clear you need to look at these three tables.


Showing non-cm encounters on leaderboard

We are not showing all enounters in the leaderboard because we are not interested in non-CM runs. Which encounters are shown is configured in the LB and LB CM options per encounter.\ See to change the behaviour\ leaderboard_selection

Selecting encounters for total clear time

Not all groups clear everything. It is possible to select the encounters you want to include in the total clear time. The total clear time will be displayed in the leaderboard and on the top-right of the discord message.

Go to Change the column _use in instancegroup to the desired group. For each encounter you want to add or remove.

leaderboard_full_clear message_total_cleartime

alt select_instance_group