wix-incubator / react-native-newrelic

New Relic reporting for React Native
MIT License
79 stars 82 forks source link


New Relic event reporting for react native.

also check out https://github.com/wix/sentry-monitor


More to come!


Install react-native-newrelic

npm install react-native-newrelic --save


1. Install New RelicAgent in your project as a pod

In the Podfile for your project, add the following line: pod 'NewRelicAgent' Make sure Xcode is closed and run: pod install

2. Add the project to Xcode

In the project navigator:

3. In your AppDelegate.m

Add the following:

  NSString* token;
  if(isDebug) {
    token = @"<your new relic dev token (optional)>";
  } else {
    token = @"<your new relic production token";
  [NewRelicAgent startWithApplicationToken:token];

And add the following line to the top of your didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function:

  [self setupNewRelic];

4. Add a prefix header to your iOS project

Add a PrefixHeader.pch file as explained here Your file should look like this:

#ifdef __OBJC__ 

#import <NewRelicAgent/NewRelic.h>


Android (gradle only)

1. Add NewRelic agent to your Android project

This link describes how to add the original NewRelic agent to your project. This guide only requires a part of the original steps (some of the steps are already integrated in react-native-newrelic:

In MainApplication.java import Newrelic and override the following method:

import com.newrelic.agent.android.NewRelic;

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {


public void onCreate() {



Create newrelic.properties in your root android dir:

com.newrelic.application_token= yourApplicationToken

Get your application token from newrelic.com

2. Add the react-native-newrelic module to your Android project

In settings.gradle:

include ':react-native-newrelic'
project(':react-native-newrelic').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/react-native-newrelic/android')

In your project level build.gradle:

dependencies {
    classpath "com.newrelic.agent.android:agent-gradle-plugin:5.11.+"

In your app level build.gradle:

apply plugin: 'newrelic'

dependencies {
    compile project(":react-native-newrelic")
    compile fileTree(dir: "node_modules/react-native-newrelic/android/libs", include: ["*.jar"])

Add new RNNewRelicPackage() to your list of packages in getPackages() in MainApplication.java :

public List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
  return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(... new RNNewRelicPackage());


Add the following to your app root (e.g. app.ios.js ):

import {default as newRelic} from 'react-native-newrelic';
  overrideConsole: true,
  reportUncaughtExceptions: true,
    globalAttributes: {
      'this-string': 'will be sent with every event that is being reported'

Credits to @DanielZlotin for the initial version