wizaplace / starterkit

Front-office Starter Kit
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Wizaplace front-office StarterKit

The StarterKit is a template web application for creating an e-commerce front-office for Wizaplace.

It is based on PHP 7.2, Symfony 3 and our PHP SDK. The front-office connects to Wizaplace through the API (API documentation).


The StarterKit project is meant to be cloned (forked on GitHub for example) for each new front-office project. The cloned version can then be customized to fit the target design.


The StarterKit is a starting point for your front-office. Some specific pages and features may be missing in the StarterKit and may require to create or modify the Symfony routes, controlers and views to add them.


Using Vagrant

This is the recommended solution.


If you have not done this already, you need to create a SSH key and configure it into your GitHub account: https://help.github.com/articles/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account/

Store your SSH key in the SSH agent:

Clone the project and install it:

$ git clone git@github.com:wizaplace/starterkit.git
$ cd starterkit/
$ make dev-from-scratch

The website is now reachable at http://demo.loc/. You can have access to the profiler bar at http://demo.loc/app_dev.php.

At any time you can rebuild everything by running make dev-from-scratch again.


You can customize your local Vagrant configuration by creating a file named Vagrantfile.local, for example:

Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config|
    config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
        v.memory = 1536
        v.cpus = 2
        v.customize ['modifyvm', :id, '--cableconnected1', 'on']

    config.vm.provision "file", source: "~/.oh-my-zsh/themes/honukai.zsh-theme", destination: "/home/vagrant/.oh-my-zsh/themes/honukai.zsh-theme"
    config.vm.provision "file", source: "~/vagrant-zshrc", destination: "/home/vagrant/.zshrc"
    config.vm.provision "shell", path: "~/vagrant-provision.sh"

    config.vm.network 'forwarded_port', guest: 3306, host: 3306

Without Vagrant

This method can be used when Vagrant cannot be made to work.


make install
# Run the built-in webserver
bin/console server:run

The application should be available at http://localhost:8000/


To compile assets, simply run gulp. Gulp will watch changes and recompile Javascript, CSS, etc. automatically.


Here are our integration guidelines: wizaplace/integration-guidelines.

A minimal stylesheet (src/AppBundle/Resources/public/style/wizaplace/demo.scss) is provided for demo purpose but must be removed before starting the integration phase as it can cause style conflicts with your own styles.