wizardamigos / organization

organisation's dashboard (issues etc.) - coming soon
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Refine funnel (on page) #3

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

DONATION button http://www.kidscodejeunesse.org/en/support-us-english/

ghost commented 9 years ago

Customer Feedback It is very good structured and you get very fast an overview.

But I think you should give the focus not only on the parents. Move the focus to catch the kids also. For the beginning is it enough and you don't need more barriers but you should take care on beeing in Germany. Sure most people understand english but if you want that people send their kids to the curses you must show them that every think is also in German what you offer them.

Example: my daughter is 11 years old and she doesn't understand good English. If I would not know you, I wouldn't really read the text to the end. So I would assume if the site is not in German why should the mentor speaking German!

As I understand from the text it is more for people aged 15 and more? This information is missing. How old are the people that you want have them in the curse.

I tried to see the missing points in the whole page.

So you will start this week?? Tomorrow will the first possible day?

ghost commented 9 years ago


ghost commented 9 years ago


      <div class="wizardamigos__menu">
        <a href="#intro">Intro</a> |
        <a href="#scrolls">Spells</a> |
        <a href="#schedule">Schedule</a> |
        <a href="#requirements">Requirements</a> |
        <a href="#about">About</a> |
        <a href="#join">Join</a><br>
        <a target="_blank" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf8NkXwmFrhAtZIu0dU7zhg">Screencasts</a> |
        <a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/wizardamigosinstitute">Github Organisation</a> |
        <a href="#calender">Calendar</a>
        <!-- facebook + twitter + googleplus links -->
      <div id="notice" class="wizardamigos__news">
          <!-- <p>
          Our next free workshop takes place on [monday @ co_up](#Calendar). Feel free to join :-)
        </p> -->
      <div id="intro" class="wizardamigos__intro">
        [](#share) [](#feedback)
        <!-- <h1 class="wizardamigos__title">Welcome, wizard amigos.</h1>
        <p class="wizardamigos__subtitle">Come, learn to code with us.</p>
          Wizard Amigos is a co-learning programming institute. It is an open
          playful and collaborative space for girls and boys to learn how to code.
        </p> -->

      <div id="scrolls" class="wizardamigos__scrolls">
        [](#share) [](#feedback)
        <!-- <h1 class="wizardamigos__title">Magic Spells</h1>
          We cover the main elements that every wizard apprentice needs to know:
          <li>Operating System
            <ul><li class="wizardamigos__bullets">unix & bash</li></ul>
          <li>Markup Languages
            <ul><li class="wizardamigos__bullets">markdown, html & css</li></ul>
            <ul><li class="wizardamigos__bullets">chrome dev tools & atom.io</li></ul>
            <ul><li class="wizardamigos__bullets">github, gitter, waffle & co.</li></ul>
            <ul><li class="wizardamigos__bullets">javascript, nodejs & regex</li></ul>
            <ul><li class="wizardamigos__bullets">npm, git & browserify</li></ul>
          Magic is serious business.
          There will be homeworks,
          so the learners will be able to practice their spells.
          To help them, we will produce a simple video summary after each session.
          We also encourage all the participants to have some project they want to work on
          <i>(but if they don't, no worries, will help them find one).</i>
        </p> -->

      <div id="schedule" class="wizardamigos__schedule">
        <!-- <h1 class="wizardamigos__title">Magic Sessions</h1>
          Wizard Amigos Institute will open its doors in <b>May 2015</b>.
          Every session will accept <b>up to 10 learners</b>
          and will be run by at least 2 higher-level wizards.
          <span style="color:#fff; font-weight:900">Magic Sessions</span><br>
          Mondays or Thursdays (16:00 - 17:30)<br>
          120 EUR / month<br>
          <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.de/maps/dir//co.up,+Adalbertstra%C3%9Fe+8,+10999+Berlin,+Deutschland/@52.50033,13.419786,17z/data=!4m12!1m3!3m2!1s0x47a84e337e23d413:0x2cfd69e5a9f68f1a!2sco.up!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47a84e337e23d413:0x2cfd69e5a9f68f1a!2m2!1d13.419786!2d52.50033">Co_up (Adalbertstrasse 8)</a>
          <a class="wizardamigos__apply" href='mailto:wizard@amigos.institute?Subject=Application:%20Mondays%20or%20Thursdays%20(16:00%20-%2017.30)&Body=%0D%0A'>Apply</a><br>
          <span style="color:#fff; font-weight:900">Super Magic Sessions</span><br>
          Mondays or Thursdays (16:00 - 19:00)<br>
          240 EUR / month<br>
          <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.de/maps/dir//co.up,+Adalbertstra%C3%9Fe+8,+10999+Berlin,+Deutschland/@52.50033,13.419786,17z/data=!4m12!1m3!3m2!1s0x47a84e337e23d413:0x2cfd69e5a9f68f1a!2sco.up!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47a84e337e23d413:0x2cfd69e5a9f68f1a!2m2!1d13.419786!2d52.50033">Co_up (Adalbertstrasse 8)</a>
          <a target="_blank" class="wizardamigos__apply" href='mailto:wizard@amigos.institute?Subject=Application:%20Mondays%20or%20Thursdays%20(16:00%20-%2019.00)&Body=%0D%0A'>Apply</a><br>
          From each paid session we will donate a certain amount to support the pay-what-you-can program.
          Those who apply for the pay-what-you-can-program, will be added to
          the queue and informed when the next free slot is available.
          We are also open for <a target="_blank" href='mailto:wizard@amigos.institute?Subject=I%20would%20like%20to%20donate&Body=%0D%0A'>donations</a>.
        </p> -->
      <div id="requirements" class="wizardamigos__requirements">
        <!-- <h1 class="wizardamigos__title">Unlocking Charm</h1>

        <span style="color:#fff; font-weight:900">There are some requirements for jams of Magic:</span>
        <p>You need to have your own computer. It doesn't have to be super powerful, but you need one.</p>
        <p>It needs to run on Mac OSX or Linux. If you have Windows, we will help you install Linux.</p>
          You should have basic computer skills and feel comfortable
          finding information on the internet.
          Most of the modern programming materials, tutorials and other online resources are written in english,
          so you should understand the basics. Mentors speak german and english, so they can help you out.
          You doesn’t need an academic background in computer science or be good at Maths to become a successful developer
          If you are not sure whether you should apply,
          <a target="_blank" href="mailto:wizard@amigos.institute">contact us</a>
          and we will happy to talk to you.
        </p> -->
      <div id="about" class="wizardamigos__about">
        <!-- <h1 class="wizardamigos__title">Who is Wizard Amigos Institute for</h1>
          It is for girls and boys who want to learn special magic programming wizardry.
          This is not a typical school. It is a Wizard Institute that promotes
          collaboration and a learning-by-doing approach. We will help you get to know the
          right magic spells and prepare you to become an active problem solver.
          If you want to know more, please checkout
          <a href="https://github.com/wizardamigosinstitute/organisation/blob/master/README.md">
            more details
        </p> -->
      <div id="join" class="wizardamigos__join">
        <!-- <h1 class="wizardamigos__title">Mad Science</h1>
        <p><b>Want to join us?</b></p>
        Do you happen to be a Wizard yourself and would like to help as a teacher or speaker?
        <p>Join our <a target="_blank" href="http://meetup.com/codingamigos">Coding Amigos Meetup</a></p>
        <p>or chat with us on <a target="_blank" href="https://gitter.im/wizardamigosinstitute/chat">Gitter</a>.</p> -->
