wizardamigos / organization

organisation's dashboard (issues etc.) - coming soon
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@WizardAmigos Concept


Want to start your local Wizard Amigos group?

How to organize Wizard Amigos meetup

All you need is:

  • a free community space (in Berlin that's CoUp event space and in Taiwan Mozilla community space and now one private space by @jefferysac who started a new Taiwanese group)
  • we publish event on meetup.com/codingamigos (Berlin based meetup is called CodingAmigos but we list all events in the same group, Wizard and Coding amigos)
  • you come to the event every week or once in 2 weeks or 2x a week, however you can, but regularly and you act as a host, greeting new people, tell them the story of why and how the community works, you get them to know the chat and learning tools, and then you basically learn and work together on this meetups, each on their own thing, but sharing, discussing, supporting each other
  • And by providing space for people to come and learn and share time for common interest (code, javascript, nomadic lifestyle, self employment, open source, blockchain and p2p web, activism etc.) your group will slowly grow and people will come back because it's free, it's cozy, it's a nice group of like-minded people and it's even part of international community so you can find your 'amigos = friends' in Berlin, Taiwan and in the future also other places


How does it work

New people

Hosts (one or more)


People often ask

Manifesto (Idea)

What we are trying to build is:


1. Goal: Mentors grow and maintain a healthy modular lessons tree

2. Goal: Clients outsource paid tasks matching skill tree lessons

3. Goal: Learners get paid while learning how to code

4. Goal: Work together cooperatively in a growing ecosystem

Future Goal: Make the world one and overcome nation borders

Additional Background