wizelineacademy / wizelineacademy-academy-lms

Custom module that improves Odoo's eLearning Module
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Web Design - Add collapsible menu to Header #35

Open DianaBCG opened 5 months ago

DianaBCG commented 5 months ago

Develop a collapsible menu feature for the main header options: Work, Insights, About, and Careers, similar to the functionality observed on https://academy.wizeline.com/. When a user clicks on any of these main header options, a menu should expand, displaying the same options with corresponding links. The goal is to enhance navigation and provide a seamless user experience.

User Story: As a user, I want to access a collapsible menu when clicking on the main header options Work, Insights, About, and Careers. The menu should present the same options as the reference site (https://academy.wizeline.com/) and redirect to the corresponding links.

Story Points: TBD

Acceptance Criteria:

**Subtasks QA:

Definition of Done:

DianaBCG commented 3 months ago

The branch test-new-module contains the progress of this task.

The current state is documented on the readme.

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