wizelineacademy / wizelineacademy-academy-lms

Custom module that improves Odoo's eLearning Module
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Upgraded Odoo eLearning Module


A odoo module designed for Wizeline, Inc.

Wizeline, Inc. requires the importation of courses via a Google Docs Document, importation of skills, adding skills to courses, exportation of students with their respective skills.

This module facilitates said requirements.

Odoo Module

Every odoo module follows the structure below. To create a module you need to atleast have two files manifest.py and __init__.py .

├── __init__.py
├── __manifest__.py
├── controllers
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── controllers.py
├── demo
│   └── demo.xml
├── models
│   ├── __init__.py
│   └── models.py
├── security
│   └── ir.model.access.csv
└── views
    ├── templates.xml
    └── views.xml

If you do not want to bother installing Odoo on your computer, you can also download this module structure template in which you replace every occurrences of my_module to the name of your choice. For more information visit the official Odoo Documentation .

You can also create this structure manually, you can visit the official documentation on how to Build an Odoo module to understand the structure of a module and the content of each file.


To deploy a custom module to Odoo.sh simply add the folder containing your module to the repository. If you worked on your module locally:

  1. Clone the repository linked to Odoo.sh.
  2. Add the custom module folder, in this case elearning_upgraded, to the cloned folder.
  3. Commit the changes and push to the remote repository. Note: Your can also follow this tutorial

Every commit to the repository will be automatically applied in Odoo.sh. If you are in a development branch in Odoo.sh every commit will generate a new build for more information on Odoo.sh branches visit here.