wizelineacademy / wizelineacademy-academy-lms

Custom module that improves Odoo's eLearning Module
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Installation and setup procedure for e-learning module in Odoo #5

Open Vicodemo opened 1 year ago

Vicodemo commented 1 year ago

User Story: As a project team member, I need to install and set up the e-learning module in Odoo so that I can begin delivering high-quality e-learning content. To complete this task, I will need to follow the installation and setup procedure documented in the Installation and Setup Procedure for E-Learning Module in Odoo epic. This may include identifying the necessary components and dependencies, configuring the module settings, and testing the module to ensure that it is functioning correctly. Once the module is successfully installed and set up, I will be able to begin creating and delivering e-learning content in Odoo. By completing this user story, the project team will be able to effectively deliver e-learning content, resulting in a successful outcome for the project.

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