wizmer / syncorg

An implementation of MobileOrg for the Android platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
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SSH crashes #51

Open knezi opened 7 years ago

knezi commented 7 years ago

Hi, whenever the app tries to connect to SSH it crashes at the very beginning. Namely I'm getting: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lorg/ietf/jgss/Oid It clearly can't find a class that was present at the compile time. I've tried to decompile the corresponding dex file, but I couldn't find anything. So it might be a problem with paths. I'm running Lineage OS 7.1.1, can anyone confirm/disprove that this is happening on stock Android 7.1.1, on older Lineage OS...?

wizmer commented 7 years ago

The same issue is referenced in another app. https://github.com/zeapo/Android-Password-Store/issues/49#issuecomment-83778442 says it is a knows issue from jsch and that the fix might cascade to jgit one day. Apparently they fixed it with this #PR If it does not work, there are also a few idea in this stackoverflow thread