wizmer / syncorg

An implementation of MobileOrg for the Android platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
174 stars 23 forks source link

** Current features

** Upcoming features

** Want to help ? *** Everyone Register to the Beta Testing program and give me some feedbacks.


*** Developpers See [[https://github.com/wizmer/syncorg/wiki/Contributing][the contibuting page]], section Android Studio Setup, if you want to build the project.

** Screenshots Here are a few screenshots of the current state of the app.

*** Main menu [[https://github.com/wizmer/syncorg/blob/master/picturesReadme/MainResized.png]]

* File view with 3 states: folded, children only and expanded ** Folded [[https://github.com/wizmer/syncorg/blob/master/picturesReadme/FoldedViewResized.png]] Children only [[https://github.com/wizmer/syncorg/blob/master/picturesReadme/ChildViewResized.png]] Expanded [[https://github.com/wizmer/syncorg/blob/master/picturesReadme/ExpendedResized.png]]

*** The TODO view [[https://github.com/wizmer/syncorg/blob/master/picturesReadme/TodosResized.png]]