wkumler / MS_metrics

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How does the biological significance change with different thresholds? #17

Closed wkumler closed 1 year ago

wkumler commented 1 year ago

One way to show that this matters is to run all of the normal multivariate and univariate tests that we'd normally do, but run each full analysis multiple times with different data subsets. Maybe the first subset is just all the peaks, the next is only the manually-labeled "good" ones, then like > 0.9, 0.5, 0.1, and 0.01 thresholds?

wkumler commented 1 year ago

Here's what we get from running the PERMANOVA/NMDS multivariate statistics on them, looking for depth as an explanatory factor:

MS3000_metadata <- file_data %>%
  filter(samp_type=="Smp") %>%
  filter(str_detect(filename, "180821")) %>%
  select(filename, depth) %>%
norm_area_data <- read_csv("manuscript/MS3000_norm_areas.csv")

both_min_model <- rbind(FT2040_features, MS3000_features) %>%
  select(feat_class, med_cor, med_SNR) %>%
  filter(feat_class%in%c("Good", "Bad")) %>%
  mutate(feat_class=feat_class=="Good") %>%
  glm(formula=feat_class~., family = binomial)
pred_probs <- MS3000_features %>%
  mutate(pred_prob=predict(object=both_min_model,newdata = ., type = "response")) %>%
  select(feature, feat_class, pred_prob)

wide_data <- norm_area_data %>%
  group_by(feature) %>%
  filter(var(norm_area)>0) %>%
  mutate(norm_area=scale(norm_area)[,1]) %>%
  left_join(pred_probs) %>% 
  pivot_wider(names_from = "filename", values_from = norm_area) %>%

mat_all <- wide_data
mat_good <- wide_data %>% filter(feat_class=="Good")
mat_90 <- wide_data %>% filter(pred_prob>0.9)
mat_50 <- wide_data %>% filter(pred_prob>0.5)
mat_10 <- wide_data %>% filter(pred_prob>0.1)
mat_01 <- wide_data %>% filter(pred_prob>0.01)

mat_list <- lst(mat_good, mat_90, mat_50, mat_10, mat_01, mat_all)
thresh_tests <- lapply(mat_list, function(mat_given){
  mat_data <- mat_given %>%
    select(-feat_class, -pred_prob) %>%
    data.matrix() %>%
  perm_output <- adonis2(mat_data~depth, data = MS3000_metadata, method = "manhattan")
  nmds_output <- metaMDS(mat_data, k = 2, distance = "manhattan", trace = 0,
                         autotransform = FALSE, noshare = FALSE, wascores = FALSE)
  nmds_gp <- nmds_output$points %>%
    as.data.frame() %>%
    cbind(MS3000_metadata) %>%
    rownames_to_column("filename") %>%
    select(filename, starts_with("MDS"), depth) %>%
    mutate(basename=str_extract(filename, "MS\\d+C\\d+.*(?=_[A-C])")) %>%
    ggplot(aes(x=MDS1, y=MDS2)) +
    geom_polygon(aes(fill=depth, color=depth, group=basename), alpha=0.5) +
    annotate(geom = "label", x=Inf, y=Inf, 
             label=paste("Stress =", round(nmds_output$stress, 2)),
             hjust=1, vjust=1, label.r=unit(0, "in")) +
  list(perm_output, nmds_output, nmds_gp)
}) %>% set_names(names(mat_list))

imap(thresh_tests, function(thresh_i, thresh_name){
  as.data.frame(thresh_i[[1]][1,]) %>% mutate(thresh_name)
}) %>% bind_rows() %>%
  select(thresh_name, R2, `F`, `Pr(>F)`) %>%
  `rownames<-`(NULL) %>%

lapply(thresh_tests, `[[`, 3) %>%


R2 F Pr(>F)
mat_good 0.4424214 38.086514 0.001
mat_90 0.4668699 42.034306 0.001
mat_50 0.3455154 25.340154 0.001
mat_10 0.2500523 16.004461 0.001
mat_01 0.1515176 8.571594 0.001
mat_all 0.1035519 5.544648 0.001

NMDS figures:


Most of this behaves as expected - including a bunch of noise peaks reduces our power significantly so the NMDS and PERMANOVA struggle to explain as much variance. However, one thing to note is that the "Good only" peaks actually perform worse than the 90% predicted! This is super neat and I don't really know how to interpret it. Remember that p-value is NOT one of our predictors so we haven't pre-selected based on the p-value.