wkumler / MS_metrics

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Picky with peakpicking: assessing chromatographic peak quality with simple metrics in metabolomics

Note: this README was significantly changed at the time of manuscript submission to reflect the final state of the project. For the in-progress README, see here.

Repo information

This repository contains data and code necessary for the peakpicking manuscript submitted to BMC Bioinformatics that emerged from the 2023 eScience Winter Incubator. The manuscript has been written as a reproducible R Markdown file available in the /manuscript subdirectory but requires downloading the raw mzML data from Metabolomics Workbench as the files are too large to be hosted on GitHub directly. To recompile the manuscript, clone the repository and copy the positive-mode mzML files over from MW into the associated subdirectory's /mzML folder. The entire document can then be recreated using RStudio's Knit function after launching it from the .Rproj file. This will take a while (~8 hours on my laptop), as the code runs XCMS on ~500 mass-spectrometry files, performs custom feature extraction, performs the statistics and generates the figures for the manuscript. This was tested on 7/25/2023 ahead of manuscript submission.


Repo structure