wleung4 / hypecamp

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Hypecamp, a clone of popular camping site Hipcamp, is a site used to book camping spots at throughout California. Users are able to book spots, edit their booking, as well as cancel their booking.

Live Link

Checkout out Hypecamp here: https://hypecamp-hbpd.onrender.com/

Technologies used

Ruby on Rails - Framework used for backend, managing all information as well as connecting the frontend to the database.

ReactJS - Frontend library used to create and reuse components.

React Redux - Library used for managing state of components.

PostgreSQL - Database used to store all user information as well as booking information.

AWS S3 - Hosting service that stored all of the spots images.

Google Maps API - API utilized to create map on both the spots page as well as the individual spot's page.

HTML and CSS - Utilized for design and styling of the website.

npm - Used for managing packages

Key Feature

The key feature for this application is the booking feature. When a user reaches the individual spot page, they can book the spot from a start date to an end date. It will require a user to be logged in in order to be actual make a booking. Upon successful booking, it will redirect the user to the user's booking page.