wmanley / cisco-vqe-client

RTP Client targeted at Multicast IPTV
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Visual Quality Experience Client (VQE-C) README

Copyright (c) 2006-2009 by Cisco Systems, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

I. Visual Quality Experience Client (VQE-C)

A.  Introduction

    VQE-C is the client-side library of the VQE system.

B.  Licensing

    VQE-C source code is covered by the Cisco BSD license.  The text for
    this license is contained in LICENSE.txt.

    In addition VQE-C has dependencies on several other 3rd party 
    libraries with separate licenses that are bundled with the VQE-C

    See the <root>/3rd-party-src directory for bundled components.
    Below is a summary of the 3rd-party-src components on which VQE-C is

    libevent - an event notification library
          license type: BSD
          location: <root>/3rd-party-src/libevent/libevent-1.1a/.c files
          repository: http://monkey.org/~provos/libevent

C.  Documentation

    The VQE-C SDK includes the source and documentation for VQE-C
    and its dependent components and libraries. A sample application
    and the following documentation are also included:
        VQE-C System Integration Guide - guide to how to build, integrate
                        and test the VQE-C on the target platform.
        VQE-C System Configuration Reference - an introduction and
                        resource for configuring VQE-C.
        VQE-C Command Reference - an introduction to the VQE-C
                        CLI and reference for its capabilities.
        Source documentation - created using Doxygen in both HTML
                        and LaTeX formats.

    All VQE-C documentation is included in the directory <root>/eva/docs.