Mitmachen is a small web-interface which helps Wikipedia editors find articles which are known to need improvement. It is aimed at new editors who are looking for ways to make their first meaningful edits and do not know where to start.
Mitmachen currently works for the German-language Wikipedia only, where it will be used as part of an onboarding campaign run by Wikimedia Deutschland planned to launch in August 2018.
Mitmachen is written to run on the Toolforge Cloud-as-a-Service platform maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation. It requires direct access to some of the MediaWiki database tables of the German Wikipedia and will therefore not run on a server which does not provide such access.
To deploy Mitmachen, simply clone the Git repository to a Toolforge tool account and set up the webservice as described here.
Anywhere it says user please replace with user from step 3
_mitracking_pwebservice --backend=kubernetes python3.5 shell
python3 -m venv $HOME/www/python/venv
source $HOME/www/python/venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 www/python/src/cron/
webservice --backend=kubernetes python3.5 start
There is a need to create the DB on wikimedia server too.
Run this command
mysql -h tools.db.svc.eqiad.wmflabs
Then run the following commands:-
use 'user'_mitracking_p
then we need to create tables, so run the following commands
CREATE TABLE tracking ( id INT unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, type VARCHAR(255), title VARCHAR(255), weblink TEXT, count INT unsigned, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
CREATE TABLE crondata( id INT unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, categ TEXT, subcateg TEXT, page_id INT unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) );
After everything is done, we need to do something about cron
Setting cron on wikimedia server
crontab -e
then in INSERT mode, type the following
0 5 * * 0 /usr/bin/python3 /data/project/mmt/www/python/src/cron/
Save and close
The tool is currenctly running under In order to update to the current version of master, do the following:
become mitmachen
git pull
webservice --backend=kubernetes python3.5 restart
If you found a bug, would like to contribute ideas or code, or are interested in bringing Mitmachen to another Wikipedia please head over to the Mitmachen project on Wikimedia Phabricator (or simply leave a pull request).
However, please note that there are no plans to expand Mitmachen beyond a simple web interface for a handful of database queries. For more experienced Wikipedia editors, PetScan already provides a fine-grained search functionality for articles with issues and there is a plethora of tools and bot-curated lists to find articles in need of attention.
The initial version of Mitmachen was licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
The version developed in this repository is licenced under GNU GPL 2.0.