This extension provides features for
instructions [detail]+, -, *, /, fma
) [detail]without using extra shared memory.
[!IMPORTANT] Please specify an appropriate virtual architecture for real GPU. For instance, a program which is compiled with
will not work correctly on Ampere GPUs.
instruction is not supported yet)This function calculates the mapping of the memory and fragment elements.
nvcuda::wmma::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_b, 16, 16, 16, half, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_b;
__shared__ compute_t matrix[16 * 16];
[&](const unsigned* frag_index_list, const unsigned fragment_index_count, const unsigned mem_index) {
const auto m = mem_index % 16;
const auto n = mem_index / 16;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fragment_index_count; i++)
frag_b.x[frag_index_list[i]] = convert_to<half>(matrix[n * 16 + m]);
This function calculates the mapping of the matrix element position (i,j) and fragment elements.
nvcuda::wmma::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_b, 16, 16, 16, half, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_b;
__shared__ compute_t matrix[16 * 16];
[&](const unsigned* frag_index_list, const unsigned fragment_index_count, const unsigned i, const unsigned j) {
for (unsigned f = 0; f < fragment_index_count; f++)
frag_b.x[frag_index_list[f]] = convert_to<half>(matrix[j * 16 + i]);
This function calculates the mapping of a given vector and fragment elements.
nvcuda::wmma::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_b, 16, 16, 16, half, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_b;
__shared__ compute_t vector[16];
[&](const unsigned* frag_index_list, const unsigned fragment_index_count, const unsigned mem_index) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fragment_index_count; i++)
frag_b.x[frag_index_list[i]] = convert_to<half>(vector[mem_index]);
// is equivalent to `load_vector`
nvcuda::wmma::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::accumulator, 16, 16, 16, float> frag_c;
__shared__ compute_t vector[16];
[&](const unsigned* frag_index_list, const unsigned fragment_index_count, const unsigned mem_index) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fragment_index_count; i++)
vector[mem_index] = convert_to<compute_t>(frag_c.x[frag_index_list[i]]);
// is equivalent to `store_vector`
This function returns the mapping of matrix element (i, j) and fragment element (tid, fid)
nvcuda::wmma::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_b, 16, 16, 16, half, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_b;
unsigned tid_list[2];
unsigned fid_list[2];
unsigned list_size;
mtk::wmma::map<decltype(frag_b)>(tid_list, fid_list, list_size, i, j);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < list_size; k++) {
if ((threadIdx.x & 0x1f) == tid_list[k]) {
frag_b.x[fid_list[k]] = 3.0f;
#include <mma.h>
#include <wmma_extension/wmma_extension.hpp>
__global__ void kernel() {
nvcuda::wmma::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_a, 16, 16, 16, half, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_a;
nvcuda::wmma::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::matrix_b, 16, 16, 16, half, nvcuda::wmma::col_major> frag_b;
nvcuda::wmma::fragment<nvcuda::wmma::accumulator, 16, 16, 16, float> frag_c;
__shared__ float vec16[16];
mtk::wmma::load_vector(frag_a, vec16);
mtk::wmma::load_vector(frag_b, vec16);
nvcuda::wmma::fill_fragment(frag_c, 0.0f);
nvcuda::wmma::mma_sync(frag_c, frag_a, frag_b, frag_c);
mtk::wmma::store_vector(vec16, frag_c, nvcuda::wmma::mem_col_major);
)This function output the elements of a fragment.
, optional)@inproceedings{ootomo_wmmae_2023,
author = {Ootomo, Hiroyuki and Yokota, Rio},
title = {Reducing Shared Memory Footprint to Leverage High Throughput on Tensor Cores and Its Flexible API Extension Library},
year = {2023},
series = {HPC Asia '23}