wmmihaa / BizTalk-Sftp-Adapter

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Algorithm Negotiation Failed #7

Open dhanavellachamy opened 5 years ago

dhanavellachamy commented 5 years ago

As one of our vendor is upgrading their SFTP server to have better Data transmission security. Like below

Ciphers: • aes256-ctr • aes192-ctr • aes128-ctr MAC algorithms : • hmac-sha256 • hmac-sha2-256 • hmac-sha2-512

We are currently using Biztalk 2013 R2 and I tried connecting using the Eldos adapter it doesnot seems to be connecting the SFTP servers. Below is the errors we are getting

Method: Blogical.Shared.Adapters.Sftp.SftpReceiverEndpoint.EndpointTask Error: Uri:SFTP://b.com:22/outgoing/abc.*

Information: Type: System.Exception Target: Message: Uri:SFTP://b.com:22/outgoing/abc.* Stacktrace:

Type: System.Exception Target: Void connect(Boolean) Message: Unable to connect to Sftp host[b.com] Stacktrace: at Blogical.Shared.Adapters.Sftp.SharpSsh.Sftp.Dir(String fileMask, String uri, ArrayList filesInProcess, Boolean trace) at Blogical.Shared.Adapters.Sftp.SftpReceiverEndpoint.PickupFilesAndSubmit() at Blogical.Shared.Adapters.Sftp.SftpReceiverEndpoint.EndpointTask()

Type: Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch.JSchException Target: Void connect(Int32) Message: Algorithm negotiation fail Stacktrace: at Tamir.SharpSsh.jsch.Session.connect(Int32 connectTimeout) at Tamir.SharpSsh.SshBase.ConnectSession(Int32 tcpPort) at Tamir.SharpSsh.SshBase.Connect(Int32 tcpPort) at Blogical.Shared.Adapters.Sftp.SharpSsh.Sftp.connect(Boolean force

narrileo commented 5 years ago

hello All, I am curious to see if there i s any solution for this. Appreciate the response in advance.

madilgul commented 4 years ago

I am facing similar issue and have hit a dead end, No solution is available for this issue. or if it is there i am not able to find it. Did any one here solve this issue. Please share. Thanks.