wmmihaa / BizTalk-Sftp-Adapter

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Project Description This adapter was developed for a customer who needed to transfer files independent from any choice of platform. Much concern for security, along with already invested infrastructure, where the main reasons for choosing Sftp before other protocols like Ftps.

Blogical.Shared.Adapters.Sftp utilizes an open source library for the actual communication with the sftp/ssh server. The library is developed by Tamir Gal. For more information: http://www.tamirgal.com/home/dev.aspx?Item=SharpSsh.

The adapter has implemented a more sophisticated scheduler for setting up the polling interval. Rather than stating this property in milliseconds, you’re able to set a timely, daily, weekly or even a monthly scheduled polling interval. This part of the code comes from the Biztalk Scheduled Task Adapter project wich you can find out more about here: http://biztalkscheduledtask.codeplex.com/.


+Finally, you may use this adapter as you like, but please keep me posted for bugs you fix. This way my former customer will benefit from sharing this adapter with the open source community.+

For more information: http://blogical.se/blogs/mikael

For more information about varius ftp protocols: http://blogical.se/blogs/johan/archive/2008/02/03/what-kind-of-ftp-did-you-say-you-used.aspx

See also Blogical Database Caching Lookup Functoids: http://www.codeplex.com/BlogicalFunctoids