wmostrenko / project-97652119

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Hi! I've had some technical difficulties getting my project started as I was unable to log into my UBC GitHub account through VSCode and tried many different things to log in but after a few hours nothing worked. Because I wanted to get my project started, I just started it using my personal github account and so that is where all my commit history is. The repository for my project on my personal account can be found here:


However I am unable to upload this link to PrairieLearn and so I've logged into my UBC GitHub account online and created a new repository (the one you are looking at now) and uploaded all the files from my most recent commit. Therefore all the code on this repository should be working just as intended however this repository won't have any of my commit history. Therefore when grading my commit history, if possible, I would very much so appreciate it if you could view my commit history using the repository from my personal account (linked above). I know there is probably a way to clone my history from my personal repository to my UBC one and I have tried for many hours but nothing has seemed to work. Appologies for the inconvinience!

A Relativistic Visualization

An Introduction

As both a computer science and physics student, I have taken many physics classes throughout my educational journey and have noticed the difficulties educators encounter when trying to teach conceptually-difficult concepts to a wide variety of students with different prefered learning styles. This personal project attempts to help visual-learners in introductory physics courses better grasp the concept of how the curving of spacetime by heavy masses translates to gravity. The core idea behind this application is to have saved "Simulations", where each Simulation is a playground for students to experiment with how masses in space effect oneanother and the spacetime around them. To do so, students will be able to add "Objects" (each with a mass and initial velocity) to a Simulation and see how the Objects effect oneanother gravitationally. Furthermore, students should be able to change between "Reference Frames" of Objects in each Simulaiton to better grasp the idea behind relativity and relativistic (potentially) addition of velocities. Finally, if there is time (as this part is quite ambitious), I would like each simulation to have a 2D "Grid" which represents spacetime. Thus when a student adds an Object to their Simulation, the object should warp the grid just as a planet would warp spacetime.

User Stories

Phase 0

Phase 2

Class Documentation (OUTDATED)

Simulation Overview

Each Simulation is the mathematical backbone of the application. It will manage updating its Object elements (position, velocity, acceleration), updating the Grid tensor, and switching/maintaining the current reference frame. To do so, each Simulation will have the following elements:

  1. stationaryReferenceFrame is of type Object. This represents the stationary reference frame in each simulation. Thus it is initialized with a centered position, 0 velocity, and 0 mass.
  2. currentReferenceFrame is of type Object. This points to whatever Object the user has set as current reference frame that the user would like to enter. currentReferenceFrame is initialized to point to stationaryReferenceFrame.
  3. objects is a list of Object. objects is initialized with the stationaryReferenceFrame.
  4. grid is of type Grid. Since the design of Grid heavily depends on the design of the UI elements, this will not be implimented for Phase 1.

For Simulation to work as intended, it will have the following "main" methods:

  1. updateObject() takes an Object and updates its elements using the following helper methods:
    1. updateLocation() takes an Object and updates its location using that object's current velocity.
    2. updateVelocity() takes an Object and updates its velocity using that object's current acceleration.
    3. updateAcceleration() takes an Object and updates its acceleration using that object's current acceleration and the acceleration applied by each Object in objects.
  2. switchReferenceFrame() takes an Object and is called by the main method when the user wants to switch reference frames. It updates currentReferenceFrame by pointing it to whatever Object was called as a parameter.
  3. updateReferenceFrame() takes no parameters and should call the following helper methods:
    1. updateAllObjects() which updates all Object in objectssuch that their elements are changed by the elements of currentReferenceFrame.
    2. updateCurrentReferenceFrame which resets the elements of currentReferenceFrame so it has a centered position, 0 velocity, and 0 acceleration.

UI Overview

For Phase 1, the UI will be very simple. The goal for now is to provide a place to call the main methods in Simulation depending on what the user would like to do. The user should be prompted to create a new simulation or open an existing one (which we'll impliement in Phase 2). Then the simulation should run (by looping a series of methods in Simulation) and the user should be prompted to add an Object to their Simulation, or to get the elements of an Object in their Simulation. To do so, UI will need the following elements:

  1. simulations which is a list of Simulation.
  2. runningSimulation is of type Boolean and is true when a simulation is running. runningSimulation is initialized to false.
  3. runningProgram is of type Boolean and is true when the program is running. runningProgram in initialized to true.

Furthermore, for UI to work as intended, the main method will be a loop that loops while runningProgram is true. In this loop, the user will be promted to either...

  1. Create a new Simulation.
  2. Open an existing Simulation from simulations.
  3. Close the program.

If the user decides to open an existing Simulation, then the UI will prompt the user to choose a simulation. Once the user has choosen a simulation, the program will run runSimulation() which will take a Simulation as a parameter and is a loop that loops only while runningSimulation is true. For every loop, it prompts the user to either...

  1. Add an Object.
  2. Change reference frame.
  3. Get the elements for an Object.
  4. Update the Simulation.
  5. Close the Simulation.

Object Overview

An Object is simply and object in a Simulation (i.e. think of an Object in a Simulation like a planet in space). Objects have the following elements:

  1. xPosition which is a number representing the x position of the object.
  2. yPosition which is a number representing the y position of the object.
  3. xVelocity which is a number representing the x velocity of the object.
  4. yVelocity which is a number representing the y velocity of the object.
  5. xAcceleration which is a number representing the x acceleration of the object. This is initialized as 0.
  6. yAcceleration which is a number representing the y acceleration of the object. This is initialized as 0.
  7. mass which is a number representing the mass of the object.