wobsoriano / nuxt-clerk-template

Auth starts here with the Nuxt and Clerk Demo
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Clerk and Nuxt template

This template shows how to use Clerk in a Nuxt application. It is a direct port of the Next.js starter template.

Clerk is a developer-first authentication and user management solution. This starter uses Vue Clerk, which provides pre-built Vue components and composables for login, signup, user profile, and organization management. Vue Clerk is designed to be easy to use and customize, and can be dropped into any Vue or Nuxt application.

This template allows you to get started with Clerk and Nuxt in a matter of minutes and includes:


A hosted demo of this example is available at nuxt-clerk-template.vercel.app

Running the template

git clone https://github.com/wobsoriano/nuxt-clerk-template

To run the example locally you need to:

  1. Sign up for a Clerk account at https://clerk.com.
  2. Go to Clerk's dashboard and create an application.
  3. Set the required Clerk environment variables as shown in the example env file.
  4. npm install the required dependencies.
  5. npm run dev to launch the development server.

Learn more

To learn more about Clerk and Nuxt, check out the following resources: