wodin / expo-ocr-example

MIT License
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This example uses react-native-tesseract-ocr which uses native code. Because of this you will need to build with EAS Build. This also means that it will NOT work with Expo Go.

Instead of the Expo Go app you can build a Custom Development Client, which is basically like a custom version of Expo Go that includes only your dependencies.


I needed to patch react-native-tesseract-ocr to use the cache dir for its DATA_PATH.

Also, there's currently an issue with jcenter.bintray.com, so I had to remove all references to jcenter() from the build.gradle files in the dependencies and also in the build.gradle for this app. The latter needed to be done using a Config Plugin.


See the EAS Build documentation for more possibilities.

Custom Development Client

eas build --platform android --profile development

Standalone app

eas build --platform android --profile production