wogur110 / PNI_anomaly_detection

Official code for the paper "PNI : Industrial Anomaly Detection using Position and Neighborhood Information"
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PNI : Industrial Anomaly Detection using Position and Neighborhood Information

This is the official code for the paper "PNI : Industrial Anomaly Detection using Position and Neighborhood Information." It trains the model for evaluating anomaly maps and calculating Image AUROC (I-AUROC), Pixel AUROC (P-AUROC), and Pixel AUPRO for three datasets, MVTec AD benchmark, BTAD dataset, and VisA dataset.

The model trained on designated hyperparameter can achieve up to 99.56% and 98.98% AUROC scores in anomaly detection and localization and 96.05% AUPRO score for MVTec AD benchmark, which is the state-of-the-art performance. With an ensemble of models, performance can reach 99.63% and 99.06% in Image AUROC and Pixel AUROC, and 96.55% Pixel AUPRO. In addition, the same model can achieve up to 97.8% of Pixel AUROC for the BTAD dataset, which is the highest performance compared to previous works. Finally, the trained model can achieve up to 95.2% and 98.8% AUROC scores in anomaly detection and localization.


We trained and evaluated our models in Python 3.8 and PyTorch which version torch=1.12.1 and torchvision=0.13.1. Training is on NVIDIA TITAN RTX, A100, and NVIDIA T4 GPUs. We used ImageNet pre-trained network from PyTorch/vision:v0.10.0. The WideResNet101-2 network is used in our code by default, and ResNext101_32x8d and DenseNet201 are used for ensemble results. In the code, the embedding coreset and the distribution coreset are stored in faiss framework to calculate the distance between a test feature and the coresets efficiently. We used pytorch-lightning framework to manage the training and evaluation process.

Quick Guide

We provided a bash file for training and evaluating the anomaly map for the MVTec AD benchmark, BTAD dataset, and VisA dataset. The dataset should be placed in the parent directory of the code repository. For example, the default dataset directory is "../dataset/MVTecAD" and "../dataset/BTAD" for MVTec AD and BTAD, respectively.

First, go to the code repository, and install all requirements of the environment. The environment name we used is "anomaly_env".

conda create -y -n anomaly_env
conda activate anomaly_env 
conda install -y python=3.8
pip install pytorch-lightning==1.5.9
pip install pillow==9.0
pip install faiss-gpu==1.7
pip install opencv-python==4.5
pip install scikit-learn==0.24
pip install scikit-image==0.19
pip install pymp-pypi==0.5
pip install numpngw==0.1
pip install matplotlib==3.7
pip install timm==0.9

The available versions of torch and torchvision might be different depending on hardware settings.

pip install torch==1.12.1+cu116 torchvision==0.13.1+cu116 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

For the MVTecAD dataset, execute "evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_WR101.sh". This bash file contains all processes of training the model, evaluating the anomaly map, and visualizing the anomaly map using the WideResNet101-2 network.

chmod +x evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_WR101.sh

As a result of execution, a "result" repository will be created. The structure of the repository is as follows:

|-- result/
  |-- bottle/

  |-- WR101_ravel/
    |-- viz/
      |-- bottle/

  |-- WR101_result/
    |-- bottle/
      |-- anomaly_map/
      |-- ground_truth/
      |-- test/


You can find the AUROC score on either the output terminal or "./result/score_result.csv".

If you use multiple models for the ensemble, execute "evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_ensemble.sh".

chmod +x evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_ensemble.sh

The ensemble score can be found on either the output terminal or "./result/ensemble_score_result.csv". Visualization of the anomaly map can be found on "./result/ensemble_ravel/viz/" repository. You can check images, ground truth, anomaly map, and anomaly map with a mask on the repository.

Pretrained model

We provide a pretrained model of PNI for the "bottle" category of MVTec AD benchmark.

Pretrained PNI model (before refinement) link

Save the model folder on "/root" (ex. "/root/embeddings_layer2+layer3") and execute "evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_bottle_ensemble_pretrained.sh".

chmod +x evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_bottle_ensemble_pretrained.sh

You can evaluate the anomaly map of the "bottle" category of MVTec AD benchmark with a pretrained PNI model.

Refinement model

To refine the calculated anomaly map with the refinement model, execute "evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_bottle_refinement.sh". The bash file is only for the "bottle" category of the MVTec AD benchmark. We also provide a pretrained refinement model for all categories of MVTec AD benchmark.

Pretrained refinement model link

Anomaly Map result of the proposed model

We provide the anomaly map result of the proposed PNI model (with refinement) in the MVTec AD benchmark. The below links are the single model (WideResNet101-2) result and ensemble model (WideResNet101-2, ResNext101_32x8d, and DenseNet201), respectively.

Anomaly map from single model link

Anomaly map from ensemble model link

The single model can achieve up to 99.56% and 98.98% AUROC scores in anomaly detection and localization and 96.05% AUPRO score for the MVTec AD benchmark. The ensemble model can reach 99.63% and 99.06% in Image AUROC and Pixel AUROC, and 96.55% Pixel AUPRO.

Hyperparameter setting

The default hyperparameter in "evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_WR101.sh" is the same as mentioned in the paper. "evaluate_amap_on_MVTecAD_WR101.sh" contains 4 sequential python codes.

First, "train_coreset_distribution.py" trains our proposed model and evaluates the anomaly map for each category. You can change the dataset with "--dataset_category" argument, and the category with "--category" path. Note that the dataset should be in the directory of "--dataset_path" argument. If you want other pre-trained networks rather than WideResNet101-2, change "--backbone" argument.

Second, "analysis_code/calc_ensemble_score.py" makes an ensemble score for each category and saves the result in "./result/ensemble_result" repository. "--backbone_list" argument is a list of pre-trained networks which are to ensemble. You can change the category with "--category" path.

Third, "analysis_code/convert_result_format.py" converts the result format and saves it into "./result/ensemble_ravel" repository. Add argument "--is_BTAD" if the dataset is BTAD, and "--is_MVtec_small" if the dataset is a small version of MVTec which we provided. The default dataset is the MVTec AD benchmark.

Finally, "analysis_code/analysis_amap.py" analysis anomaly map from "./result/ensemble_ravel" repository. Add argument "--visualize" to visualize the anomaly map on "./result/ensemble_ravel/viz" repository. If you want to find misclassified images with the trained model, add argument "--calc_misclassified_sample" and indices of false positive samples and false negative samples will be presented on "./result/ensemble_ravel/misclassified_sample_list.csv" In addition, add "--calc_pro" argument to additionally calculate the AUPRO score. The result will be presented on "./result/ensemble_ravel/score_result.csv".