wokwi / wokwi-cli

Wokwi Command Line Interface (for CI use cases)
MIT License
14 stars 5 forks source link


Wokwi Simulation API command line interface.


Download the latest release from the GitHub Releases page. Rename the file to wokwi-cli (or wokwi-cli.exe on Windows), and put it in your PATH.

On Linux and macOS, you can also install the CLI using the following command:

curl -L https://wokwi.com/ci/install.sh | sh

And on Windows:

iwr https://wokwi.com/ci/install.ps1 -useb | iex


First, ensure that you set the WOKWI_CLI_TOKEN environment variable to your Wokwi API token. You can get your token from your Wokwi CI Dashboard.

wokwi-cli [directory]

The given directory should have a wokwi.toml file, as explained in the documentation.

For example, you could clone the ESP32 Hello World binaries repo, and point the CLI at the esp-idf-hello-world directory:

git clone https://github.com/wokwi/esp-idf-hello-world
cd esp-idf-hello-world
wokwi-cli .


Clone the repository, install the npm depenedencies, and then run the CLI:

git clone https://github.com/wokwi/wokwi-cli
cd wokwi-cli
npm install
npm start

To pass command line arguments to the cli, use npm start -- [arguments]. For example, to see the help screen, run:

npm start -- -h


The MIT License (MIT)