wolovim / the_pivot

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App is accessible in production at: http://gotravelhome.herokuapp.com/ Screencast is accessible at: https://vimeo.com/110099688

Built for the Turing School of Software and Design, TravelHome is a site for people to rent out lodging (think airbnb, couchsurfing).

Users can function both as hosts and travellers. Workflow:

More specifically:

Hosts can:

Travelers can:

If you'd like to run the code locally:

$ git clone https://github.com/marcgarreau/the_pivot.git && cd the_pivot
$ bundle
$ rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

or, more concisely

$ rake db:setup

Run tests with

$ bundle exec rspec

Postgresql is used in the development and test environments as well as production so out of the box you are required to have postgres installed and configured correctly locally.