wonderfloyd / Hackathon-Corona

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Hackathon for developing End-2-End Applications in Javascript
Each Application is a FullStack Application with some functionality.


Next Meeting




Please provide yor github user, so we can add you to this github repo as a contributor.
We will also add you to the slack channel where we discuss everything regarding this hackathon.


The root project presents all Applications in the Hackathon.
Each Application has a folder that contains all src files that are needed for installing and running the application.

Name Ports DataBase Comments
πŸ“· React PostgreSQL Photo Album 3000,3001 Postgres
πŸ“œ Next.JS Contentful Website & Blog dev: 3003, prod: 3004 Contentful CMS
πŸ“½οΈ Stencil Express MongoDB Video-Store 4001 MongoDB
πŸ…°οΈ Angular Cook-Book 4200
🍱 React Micro Frontends FeedMe 5000 - 5003 Micro FEs
πŸ“‹ Quasar (Vue) Firebase Todo App 8080 Firebase Cloud Firestore +Mobile
πŸ“¬ Ionic Angular Firebase Chatroom 8100 Firebase Real Time DB +Mobile
πŸ—ΊοΈGatsby React Leaflet RealTimeMap 8000 Real-Time API
πŸ” Next.js Auth0 MongoDB User & Admin 3000 MongoDB

Adding Application to List

Hackathon Prerequisites

Working on Issue



There will be a channel in Slack where all participants are members.