woo200 / sockslib

Simple Socks5 proxy library
MIT License
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Sockslib is a library designed to make the usage of socks proxies as easy as possible. This library can connect to proxies, authenticate, and then have the use of a normal python socket.

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Copyright (c) John Woo. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.



  1. Intro
    1. Creating a socket
    2. Setting the proxy
    3. Set the default proxy
    4. URLLib proxied
    5. IPv6
  2. SOCKS5
    1. TCP
    2. UDP
    3. Using Other Authentication Methods
    4. Implementing Your Own Authentication Methods
  3. SOCKS4
    1. No Authentication
    2. Identity Authentication


Creating a new socket

socket = sockslib.SocksSocket()

Setting a proxy

socket.set_proxy (
    ('', 0),      # Ip, Port
    sockslib.Socks.SOCKS5, # SOCKS5/SOCKS4, (Optional) (Default SOCKS5)
    authentication         # Array of authentication methods (Optional) (Default NoAuth)

Set a default proxy

Default proxies can be useful for situations when other libraries use sockets to communicate and you want to force that library to use a proxy instead of a direct connection

    ('', 0),      # Ip, Port
    sockslib.Socks.SOCKS5, # SOCKS5/SOCKS4, (Optional) (Default SOCKS5)
    socket.AF_INET,        # Default protocol (AF_INET, AF_INET6)
    authentication         # Array of authentication methods (Optional) (Default NoAuth)

URLLib Proxied

import urllib.request

import sockslib
import socket

sockslib.set_default_proxy(('', 9050)) # Set the default proxy
socket.socket = sockslib.SocksSocket # Make the default socket object a SocksSocket

html = urllib.request.urlopen('https://myexternalip.com/raw').read() # Request the page


To connect to a proxy server via ipv6, you must explicitly specify the protocol by passing the ip_protocol parameter to the SocksSocket constructor, OR by using the 3rd option of set_default_proxy. Here is an example of connecting to a remote IPv6 proxy:

import sockslib
import socket # import socket for the protocol specifiers 

with sockslib.SocksSocket(ip_protocol=socket.AF_INET6) as sock:
    sock.set_proxy(('::1', 9050)) # Set proxy

    sock.connect(('myexternalip.com', 80)) # Connect to Server via proxy 
    sock.sendall(b"GET /raw HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: myexternalip.com\r\n\r\n") # Send HTTP Request
    print(sock.recv(1024)) # Print response



Socks5 TCP

This is an example usage that connects to a Socks5 proxy at and then requests the page http://myexternalip.com/raw

import sockslib

with sockslib.SocksSocket() as sock:
    sock.set_proxy(('', 9050)) # Set proxy

    sock.connect(('myexternalip.com', 80)) # Connect to Server via proxy
    sock.sendall(b"GET /raw HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: myexternalip.com\r\n\r\n") # Send HTTP Request
    print(sock.recv(1024)) # Print response

Socks5 UDP

This is an example usage that connects to a Socks5 proxy at and then sends a UDP packet.

import sockslib

with sockslib.SocksSocket(udp=True) as sock:
    sock.set_proxy(('', 9050)) # Set proxy

    sock.initudp() # Connect to Server and bind a UDP port for communication
    sock.sendto(b"Hello, World", ("", 12000)) # Send "Hello, World" to over UDP

Due to the nature of UDP in the SOCKS5 protocol, it is reccomended to use the context manager, as the remote proxy server will not drop the UDP associate request until the socket is closed.

Using other authentication methods

To use more authentication methods like User/Pass auth, you pass an array of authentication methods to the third parameter of set_proxy (Don't neglect to set the second parameter to the proxy type!)

import sockslib

with sockslib.SocksSocket() as sock:
    auth_methods = [
        sockslib.NoAuth(),                             # No authentication
        sockslib.UserPassAuth('username', 'password'), # Username / Password authentication
    sock.set_proxy(('', 9050), sockslib.Socks.SOCKS5, auth_methods) # Set proxy

    sock.connect(('myexternalip.com', 80)) # Connect to Server via proxy
    sock.sendall(b"GET /raw HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: myexternalip.com\r\n\r\n") # Send HTTP Request
    print(sock.recv(1024)) # Print response

Implementing your own authentication methods

To implement your own socks5 authentication method, you must make a class that implements sockslib.AuthenticationMethod it requires that you implement a getId() function, an authenticate(socket) function, and a forP function. Note: the authenticate function must return a boolean, True if authentication succeeded and False if it failed.

from sockslib.socks import AuthenticationMethod
from sockslib.socks import Socks
import struct

class UserPassAuth(AuthenticationMethod):
    def __init__(self, username, password):
        self.username = username
        self.password = password

    def getId(self):
        return 0x02 # 0x02 means password authentication, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS#SOCKS5 for more

    def forP(self):
        return Socks.SOCKS5 # For SOCKS5

    def authenticate(self, socket):
        socket.sendall(b"\x01" + struct.pack("B", len(self.username)) + self.username.encode() + struct.pack("B", len(self.password)) + self.password.encode()) # Send authentication packet
        ver, status = socket.recv(2) # Get authentication response

        return status == 0x00


This is an example usage that connects to a Socks4 proxy at and then requests the page http://myexternalip.com/raw

import sockslib

with sockslib.SocksSocket() as sock:
    sock.set_proxy(('', 9050), sockslib.Socks.SOCKS4) # Set proxy

    sock.connect(('myexternalip.com', 80)) # Connect to Server via proxy
    sock.sendall(b"GET /raw HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: myexternalip.com\r\n\r\n") # Send HTTP Request
    print(sock.recv(1024)) # Print response

Socks4 with identity authentication

import sockslib

with sockslib.SocksSocket() as sock:
    auth_methods = [
    sock.set_proxy(('', 9050), sockslib.Socks.SOCKS4, auth_methods) # Set proxy

    sock.connect(('myexternalip.com', 80)) # Connect to Server via proxy
    sock.sendall(b"GET /raw HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: myexternalip.com\r\n\r\n") # Send HTTP Request
    print(sock.recv(1024)) # Print response


pip3 install sockslib


If you have any issues with this project please feel free to open a new issue on github https://github.com/woo200/sockslib/issues