woocommerce / woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout

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Add support for PayPal Credit messaging #810

Closed jorgeatorres closed 3 years ago

jorgeatorres commented 3 years ago


This PR adds PayPal Credit messaging support to the PayPal Checkout plugin.

These messages are displayed in the form of banners with text/graphics promoting special offers from PayPal Credit. They are meant to be displayed in several places including home and/or category pages*, as well as alongside PayPal (Credit) buttons on the product, cart and checkout pages.

These are some examples of how these banners can look like:

Screen Shot 2020-09-15 at 21 39 18 Screen Shot 2020-09-15 at 19 59 37

(*) Per pb0GrA-Ud-p2, this PR doesn't include support for displaying the banners on home/category pages.

Steps to test:

  1. Check out this branch (credit-bnpl).
  2. Make sure your setup supports PayPal Credit: store address must be in the US and you should either be browsing in the US (or through a VPN in the US) or simulate this by using a snippet such as this one:
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_paypal_express_checkout_sdk_script_args', function( $settings ) {
       $settings['buyer-country'] = 'US';
       return $settings;
    } );
  3. Test basic functionality:

    1. Go to WC > Settings > Payments > PayPal Checkout.
    2. There should be a new "Enable PayPal Credit message" setting and a section of related settings (as in the screenshot below) both globally and per context (single product & checkout, if context specific settings are enabled).

      Screen Shot 2020-09-15 at 19 59 56
    3. Enable the checkbox above and confirm that the Credit message appears on the cart page or the single product/checkout page if enabled in the context-specific settings section.
    4. Test various configurations of settings both globally and/or per context. The full matrix of possible styles is as follows:
      • Layout:
        • Text
        • Logo type: Primary, Alternative, In-line, None
        • Logo position (only when type is either "primary" or "alternative"): left, right, top.
        • Text color: black, white, monochrome, grayscale
        • Graphic
        • Color: blue, black, white, white no border, gray
        • Ratio: 1x1, 1x4, 8x1, 20x1
  4. Test the upgrade routine:
    1. Copy the current value of your woocommerce_ppec_paypal_settings row in the options table, and save it in a safe place.
    2. Simulate a clean install by removing wc_ppec_version and woocommerce_ppec_paypal_settings from the options table.
    3. Go to the Settings screen and confirm that PayPal Credit messaging is on by default.
    4. Restore your previous settings by updating the value of woocommerce_ppec_paypal_settings in the options table with the value you saved before.
    5. Simulate a plugin upgrade by changing WC_GATEWAY_PPEC_VERSION in woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout.php to 2.0.4.
    6. Make sure PayPal Credit messaging is off by default. (Feature is opt-in for existing merchants).
  5. Test with Subscriptions:
    1. Disable the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.
    2. Make sure Credit messaging is enabled.
    3. Go to the product page of a product that costs more than $100 or add more than $100 worth of items to your cart.
    4. Credit messaging on such pages should reflect the price. Instead of a generic message you should get a message specific to the price of your item/cart, such as "Pay in 4 interest-free payments of $25.00". (For less expensive items, messaging is still generic).
    5. Enable the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.
    6. Messaging should now be generic across all pages on your site.


jorgeatorres commented 3 years ago

This is ready for review now 😼.

I didn't make any progress towards a less cluttered settings screen but that's something we can try to tackle in a different PR.

mattallan commented 3 years ago

@jorgeatorres this is looking really good from my testing and code review 💯

Test the upgrade routine: After upgrading to this branch, PayPal Credit Messaging wasn't visible on the checkout which is good, but when I viewed the settings it shows the credit messaging as enabled? Is this correct?

Frontend display settings

I just tested a few combinations of these to make sure everything was fine, however, I noticed some things were off. I don't think these are issues with his PR and more on PayPal's end but I'd like to get your opinion :)

I've attached some screenshots of my results just in case you wanted to double-check them as well

Checkout testing

Some possible issues I found that need confirmation

  1. On this branch, when I view a subscription product page it doesn't show any credit/paylater button, but it does show on the checkout page when i have a subscription in the cart 🤔

To replicate:

  1. This is probably related to the above issue but when I view a simple WC product I see the Pay Later button (https://d.pr/i/02UHD2). But when I view the same product with a subscription in my cart, I see the Credit button (https://d.pr/i/ZbMVbH).
jorgeatorres commented 3 years ago

Hi @mattallan 👋,

Thanks for the review and for testing all the various scenarios 😸 . Answers/comments below.

After upgrading to this branch, PayPal Credit Messaging wasn't visible on the checkout which is good, but when I viewed the settings it shows the credit messaging as enabled? Is this correct?

It's not, but I was unable to replicate 🤔 . Did you do the whole setting WC_GATEWAY_PPEC_VERSION to 2.0.4 thing? Reloading the page to trigger the upgrade routine afterwards should set the "global" and all context-specific "Enable PayPal Credit messages" settings to "no", so in theory it shouldn't be enabled on the settings screen at all.

If you already went through this step, could you try again just to confirm? You'd have to set wc_ppec_version to 2.0.3 in the options table first; otherwise the upgrade routine won't run.

I just tested a few combinations of these to make sure everything was fine, however, I noticed some things were off. I don't think these are issues with his PR and more on PayPal's end but I'd like to get your opinion :)

I see the same as you but I'm positive this was working before. Maybe it's related to the rollout of the new "Buy Now, Pay Later" feature or maybe it's something they broke in the process 🤷. During these days of development I've seen things work on and off: errors logged to console, banners appear/disappear, isEligible() checks return false even though the BNPL or Credit buttons appear, etc. I'm going to report my findings to PayPal but I don't see how could we address this on our end.

That said, I believe I managed to "isolate" the problem with the logo position, or at least what's causing it. It seems to be related to the amount attribute. I've created a very simple JSFiddle that illustrates the problem: the first banner (with an amount of 500.00) renders correctly while the second one (with an amount of 400.00) doesn't. The "configuration" is exactly the same for both. As soon as you change the amount to a big enough number, it renders properly. (See screencast).

If you were testing on product pages with relatively small prices or with Subscriptions active (remember that in this case amount=''), that would "explain" the issue.

On this branch, when I view a subscription product page it doesn't show any credit/paylater button, but it does show on the checkout page when i have a subscription in the cart 🤔

This seems to be related to the commit=true parameter that gets passed to the SDK script on checkout (but not on single product or cart pages). The SDK docs say this about this parameter: "set to true if the transaction is Pay Now, or false if the amount captured changes after the buyer returns to your site. Not applicable for subscriptions." So I believe on subscription product pages the combination of vault=true and commit=false results in Credit not being offered as an option. I'm going to ask PayPal about this, but vault=true was a requirement from them. Maybe this behavior is "intended" 😕.

This is probably related to the above issue but when I view a simple WC product I see the Pay Later button (https://d.pr/i/02UHD2). But when I view the same product with a subscription in my cart, I see the Credit button (https://d.pr/i/ZbMVbH).

Similar to the above, it seems vault=true implies you get the Credit button instead of the BNPL one. Asking PayPal about this too, but also seems outside of our control.

Once again, thanks for your review and testing 💯. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back from PayPal. In the meantime, do let me know if you see some other things we can improve or fix.

BTW I've rebased on trunk to add to this branch the fixes that were recently merged.

jorgeatorres commented 3 years ago

Ok. After speaking with PayPal I have some answers:

Let me know if things are now looking more stable on your end @mattallan.

mattallan commented 3 years ago

BTW I've rebased on trunk to add to this branch the fixes that were recently merged.

Thanks! I also did a rebase locally before testing yesterday as well 😅 💃

It's not, but I was unable to replicate Did you do the whole setting WC_GATEWAY_PPEC_VERSION to 2.0.4 thing?

Oh, I'm sorry!! I was testing this upgrade process wrong 😞 I've just re-checked with the correct process and it's looking all good from my end.

I've created a very simple JSFiddle that illustrates the problem. The problem with the logo style "alternative" and position "top" or "right" seems to be a bug

WOW! I don't know how you found this, but yes that "explains" the issue I'm seeing. Thanks for confirming this with PayPal and it's good to know they're aware of it :+1:

As for neither Credit nor Pay Later appearing on subscription products it also seems to have been a temporary glitch. I now see the "Credit" button as expected

Hmm okay, I've tried re-testing this and it's still not showing any PayPal Credit buttons on subscription product pages. But if it's working for you I'm okay to merge this. It definitely feels a bit of inconsistency on PayPals end with rolling things out, but I've double-checked the code and it looks all good from our end, so nothing we can really do about it.

It sounds like every issue I reported has a reason for it happening and it's either working as intended or needs fixing on PayPal's side.

So with that.. LGTM :D