woocommerce / woocommerce-gateway-paypal-express-checkout

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PayPal Checkout

Getting Started

  1. Clone this repository locally within the plugins directory of WordPress.
  2. Go to your local installation, and activate this plugin.
  3. Signup or sign into your PayPal developer account and create buyer and seller accounts.
  4. View your newly created seller account and copy the API credentials.
  5. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Payments and select the Set up button next to PayPal Checkout.
  6. Set Environment to Sandbox, then select the click here to toggle manual API credential input link.
  7. Paste your API credentials and save.
  8. Ensure PayPal Checkout is enabled by checking the Enable/Disable checkbox.
  9. To display PayPal buttons on the cart page, check the Checkout on cart page checkbox.
  10. Similarly, check the Checkout on Single Product checkbox to display buttons on single product pages.

You can find a detailed list of all settings in the WooCommerce PayPal Checkout documentation.

To checkout, you can use your sandbox buyer account, or generate a test credit card.


The documentation for the API endpoints can be found in PayPal's developer documentation

You can also explore the API from PayPal's API Executor



A "deployment" in our sense means:


Coding Standards

This project enforces WooCommerce coding standards. Please respect these standards and if possible run appropriate IDE/editor plugins to help you enforce these rules.


We are striving to subject this extension to tests at various levels. They are works in progress. The following will be updated as there is progress. Do check with us if you want to contribute in some way towards these.


Contribution can be done in many ways. We appreciate it.