woodruffw / screenfetch-c

A rewrite of screenFetch in C.
MIT License
73 stars 17 forks source link
c screenfetch


Build Status

Current Version: 1.6 (release)

screenfetch-c is an attempt to rewrite screenFetch, a popular shell script that displays system information and an ASCII logo, in the C language. Like the original screenFetch, screenfetch-c is meant to be compatible with a number of systems, including the BSDs, Solaris, GNU/Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Installing screenfetch-c


screenfetch-c only relies on libraries that come on virtually every system.

Installing screenfetch-c is very simple:

$ git clone https://www.github.com/woodruffw/screenfetch-c.git
$ cd screenfetch-c
$ make

If you want to disable colors you can run make COLORS=0 instead.

Note: For Solaris, make must be GNU make. If it isn't, use gmake. Using regular (Sun) make will cause strange errors.

Arch Linux

screenfetch-c is availible on the AUR


screenfetch-c is also available via Homebrew!

To install it, just run the following:

$ brew install woodruffw/screenfetch-c/screenfetch-c


Removing screenfetch-c is just as easy as installing it:

$ sudo make uninstall

If you installed it via Homebrew:

$ brew rm screenfetch-c
$ brew untap woodruffw/screenfetch-c # optional


There are a number of things that still need to be tested or completed in screenfetch-c.

If you think that you can test/fix/improve one or more of them, feel free to fork and issue requests back to me.

In particular, the following things still need to be done:

Notes on MinGW

Shell detection on the MinGW build is limited. You must set the SHELL environment variable manually if you're running screenfetch-c from command prompt or PowerShell. For command prompt that's set SHELL=cmd.exe and for PowerShell it's $env:SHELL = "PowerShell".

You can also run screenfetch-c from a batch script

@echo off
set SHELL=cmd.exe
cmd /C screenfetch-c.exe

or a PowerShell script

$env:SHELL = "PowerShell"
Write-Host ""
Invoke-Expression -Command:"cmd /C screenfetch-c.exe"
Write-Host "
Press any key to continue ..."
$x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

if you prefer to start it with a double click.

Unlike PowerShell the Windows command prompt doesn't support ANSI colors by default. You can deactivate colors if you build with make COLORS=0. However there's a neat project called ANSICON which allows you to enable colors in command prompt by running screenfetch-c with cmd /C ansicon.exe screenfetch-c.exe.

Current Known Compatibility:

Note: These are only the ones that have actually been tested (so far). screenfetch-c may very well work on many of the untested distros, so feel free to try it.


screenfetch-c is licensed under the MIT license.

For the exact terms, see the license.