woojiahao / Taiga

Discord administration bot
MIT License
20 stars 12 forks source link

Planned Command List #7

Open woojiahao opened 5 years ago

woojiahao commented 5 years ago

This list contains all the planned commands. If you wish to take up a certain command and finish it, please, make a new issue and began discussion on that one instead. If you have a suggestion for a command, discuss it here.

  1. eval that uses Kotlin to JS to evaluate JS expressions typed in chat
  2. latex to display LaTeX expressions
  3. plot that uses a plotting API to display simple plots
  4. raid strictens the raid elements for that server to stop raiders, this can include disabling welcomes
  5. reset resets a preference to the default that it would have had
woojiahao commented 5 years ago



woojiahao commented 5 years ago


woojiahao commented 5 years ago

Idea List

  1. avatar - Display the invoker's avatar
  2. upvote - Command to bring up the discord bot list url
  3. userinfo - Display information about the user in the server
  4. reminder - Reminding feature
  5. alias - Create command aliases
  6. pat, hug, kiss, etc - Fun commands like cookie
  7. urban - Search urban dictionary

Ideas are to the credit of Junior