woojiahao / Taiga

Discord administration bot
MIT License
20 stars 12 forks source link
cross-server discord discord-bot docsify documentation heroku jda-discord-bot kotlin python python-script


alt text

Prefix: ? Creator: @Chill#4048 Language: Kotlin Library: JDA Invite Link Development Server Website


Commands Overview

More information about commands can be found on the website

  1. Administration
  2. Moderation
  3. Permission
  4. Utility
  5. Role
  6. Raid
  7. Suggestion
  8. Macro
  9. Fun
  10. Invite
  11. Embed


    Name Description
    setchannel Sets the channel to a specific channel type
    setup Sets up the bot for moderation like adding the muted roles and overriding channel permissions
    preferences Displays all the properties set for the server
    set Sets the value for a preference
    get Displays the details of a specific preference set
    disable Disables a specific channel type
    enable Enables a specific channel type


    Name Description
    echo Echos a message into another channel, the message to echo cannot contain mentions
    nuke Nukes a certain number of messages, from 0 up to 99, you can alternatively pass a valid Regex expression such that only messages that contain the matching regex will be deleted
    mute Mutes a user for a specified period of time, defaulted to minutes
    history Displays the history of a specific member, if no arguments are given, the invoker's history is retrieved
    strike Infracts a user
    warn Infracts a user with a 0 weight strike
    wiperecord Wipes the user's record from the database
    ban Bans a user/list of users (up to 30) from the server at once
    unban Unbans a user and leaves a mark on their history
    gag Temporarily mutes a user for 5 minutes to allow moderators to handle an ongoing situation
    clearstrike Removes a strike from a user


    Name Description
    setpermission Sets the permission of a command/category to be available to a role and higher
    viewpermissions Views all the permissions set in the server
    setglobal Sets a single command or category of commands to be available to everyone
    viewbotpermissions Displays the permissions that the bot has on the server


    Name Description
    help Displays a help card for the user to learn more about a specific command or category, pass no arguments and it will display all commands available to you
    invite Displays all invite links related to me such as my development server and to invite me to your server
    source Displays all links related to my source code
    ping Displays the ping for me
    serverinfo Displays information about the server
    botinfo Displays information about the bot
    changelog Displays the latest changelog if no argument is given, displays a specific changelog if one can be found
    google Performs and displays a google search of a query
    pin Pins some text to the channel


    Name Description
    assign Assigns a role to the specified user, the role must not be higher than my role
    roles Displays all roles and their IDs in the server
    clearjoinrole Clears the join role
    unassign Removes a role from the user, the role must not be higher than my role


    Name Description
    viewraiders Displays all the raiders in the server
    freeraider Removes a user from the raid list and unmutes them
    freeallraiders Removes all users from the raid list and unmutes them


    Name Description
    poolinfo Displays information about the suggestion pool
    pooltop Displays the latest suggestion in the pool
    poolaccept Accepts the latest suggestion in the pool
    pooldeny Denies the latest suggestion in the pool
    suggest Adds a suggestion to the suggestion pool
    respond Responds to a suggestion


    Name Description
    listmacros Displays all the macros on the server
    addmacro Adds a macro to the server
    editmacro Edits an existing macro on the server
    removemacro Removes an existing macro from the server


    Name Description
    clapify Clapifies a sentence
    flip Flips a coin
    cookie Give someone a cookie, if you don't pass any arguments, a cookie is given to a random stranger
    meme Displays a random popular meme from Imgflip
    joke Tells a joke
    emote Displays an emote based on the name if it can be found in any of the servers Taiga is in
    cat Displays a cat picture/GIF
    dog Displays a dog picture/GIF
    bird Displays a bird picture/GIF
    anime Searches for animes based on a search term
    lyrics Searches for the lyrics of a song based on the song name


    Name Description
    addinvite Adds an invite to the whitelist, only the owner can add invites
    removeinvite Removes an invite from the whitelist, only the owner can remove invites
    whitelist Displays all the whitelisted invites for the server


    Name Description
    postembed Posts the current embed to a channel
    getembed Displays the currently built embed
    clearembed Clears the currently built embed
    setembedcolor Sets the color of the embed
    setembedtitle Sets the title of the embed, title is limited to only 1024 characters long
    setembeddescription Sets the description of the embed, description is limited to only 1024 characters long
    setembedthumbnail Sets the thumbnail of the embed, the description must be an image url
    addfield Adds an empty field to the embed
    setfieldtitle Sets the title of a field, the title is limited to 1024 characters
    setfielddescription Sets the description of a field, the description is limited to 1024 characters
    removefield Removes a field from the embed
    clearembeddescription Clears the description of an embed
    clearembedthumbnail Clears the thumbnail of an embed


Taiga's command framework is heavily inspired by @Fox#0001 HotBot.