wooseokyourself / shmup

OpenGL based game
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link

How to Run

Windows (x64)


Compile and Run

  1. Double click file shmup.vcxproj to open the project in Visual Studio 2019.
  2. Click Build --> Build Solution , or press F7
  3. Click Debug --> Run without Debug , or press Ctrl + F5



├── docs
│   ├── README.md
│   └── README.txt
├── assets
│   └── models
│       # Model files.
├── bin
│   # Binaries of assimp, GL, and glm.
├── lib
│   # Libraries of of assimp, GL, and glm.
├── shader
│   ├── gouraud_fragment.frag
│   │   # Gouraud shader.
│   ├── gouraud_vertex.vert
│   │   # Gouraud shader.
│   ├── nonlight_fragment.frag
│   │   # Simple shader.
│   ├── nonlight_vertex.vert
│   │   # Simple shader.
│   ├── phong_fragment.frag
│   │   # Phong shader.
│   └── phong_vertex.vert
│       # Phong shader.
├── main
│   └── main.cpp
│       # Main function for this project.
├── include
│   ├── core
│   │   ├── assimp
│   │   │   # assimp headers.
│   │   ├── GL
│   │   │   # OpenGL headers.
│   │   ├── glm
│   │   │    # glm headers.
│   │   ├── stb
│   │   │    # stb headers.
│   │   ├── Light.hpp
│   │   │   # Header-only for lighting factors.
│   │   ├── Mesh.hpp
│   │   │   # Header-only for class "Mesh".
│   │   ├── ModelViewMat.hpp
│   │   │   # Header-only for class "ModelViewMat".
│   │   ├── Object.hpp
│   │   │   # Header-only for class "Object".
│   │   ├── Shader.hpp
│   │   │   # Header-only for class "Shader".
│   │   └── Utility.hpp
│   │       # Header-only top level functions.
│   ├── Ai.hpp
│   │   # Header for class "Ai".
│   ├── Aircraft.hpp
│   │   # Header for class "Aircraft".
│   ├── Constants.hpp
│   │   # Constant variables.
│   ├── GamePlay.hpp
│   │   # Header for class "GamePlay"
│   ├── Hud.hpp
│   │   # Header for class "Hud".
│   ├── Planetary.hpp
│   │   # Header for class "Planetary".
│   ├── StraightMovingObjectManager.hpp
│   │   # Header for class "StraightMovingObjectManager".
│   ├── Sun.hpp
│   │   # Header for class "Sun".
│   └── World.hpp
│       # World definitions and drawing the world.
├── src
│   ├── Ai.hpp
│   │   # Definitions for class "Ai".
│   ├── Aircraft.hpp
│   │   # Definitions for class "Aircraft".
│   ├── GamePlay.hpp
│   │   # Definitions for class "GamePlay"
│   ├── Hud.hpp
│   │   # Definitions for class "Hud".
│   ├── Planetary.hpp
│   │   # Definitions for class "Planetary".
│   ├── StraightMovingObjectManager.hpp
│   │   # Definitions for class "StraightMovingObjectManager".
│   ├── Sun.cpp
│   │   # Definitions for class "Sun".
│   └── World.hpp
│       # World definitions and drawing the world.
├── shmup.sln
├── shmup.vcxproj
└── shmup.vcxproj.filters
    # Visual Studio project.

Example Screen

example example example example


The Open Asset Import Library (assimp)
Learn OpenGL
All Models
3D Texts Models ("assets/models/text3d_*")