workfloworchestrator / example-orchestrator

Example Workflow Orchestrator implementation
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Example Workflow Orchestrator

Example workflow orchestrator implementation based on the orchestrator-core framework.


Start application

Make sure you have docker installed and run:

docker compose up

This will start the orchestrator, orchestrator-ui, netbox, federation, postgres and redis.

To include LSO, run the following command instead:

COMPOSE_PROFILES=lso docker compose up

This will build the Docker image for LSO locally, and make the orchestrator use the included Ansible playbooks.

To access the new v2 orchestrator-ui, point your browser to:


To access netbox (admin/admin), point your browser to:


To access federation, point your browser to:


Using the example orchestrator

Use the following steps to see the example orchestrator in action:

  1. bootstrap Netbox
    1. from the Tasks page click New Task
    2. select Netbox Bootstrap and click Start task
    3. select Expand all on the following page to see the step details
  2. create a network node (need at least two to create a core link)
    1. in the left-above corner, click on New subscription
    2. select either the Node Cisco or Node Nokia
    3. fill in the needed fields, click Start workflow and view the summary form
    4. click Start workflow again to start the workflow, or click Previous to modify fields
  3. add interfaces to a node (needed by the other products)
    1. on the Subscriptions page, click on the subscription description of the node to show the details
    2. select Update node interfaces from the Actions pulldown
  4. create a core link
    1. in the left-above corner, click on New subscription
    2. select either the core link 10G or core link 100G
    3. fill in the forms and finally click on Start workflow to start the workflow
  5. create a customer port (need at least two tagged ports to create a l2vpn)
    1. use New subscription for either a port 10G or a port 100G
    2. fill in the forms and click on Start workflow to start the workflow
  6. create a l2vpn
    1. use New subscription for a l2vpn, fill in the forms, and Start workflow

While running the different workflows, have a look at the following netbox pages to see the orchestrator interact with netbox:


More and more NREN’s start automating and orchestrating their operational network procedures and flows of information, making use of the open-source Workflow Orchestrator. When a NREN creates an orchestrator based on the WFO framework, custom integration code needs to be written that is business specific. To accommodate NREN’s to help each other while writing this code, and to facilitate collaboration for the further development of the framework and to achieve a set of standardized products and workflows, a set of best common practices (BCP) is being set forth in this document.

To start with, a standard folder layout is described to organize the custom integration code base, this helps in quickly finding similar code in different implementations. To help illustrate the BCP, an example orchestrator has been implemented for a virtual NREN. The defined products model a network node, a core link between nodes, a customer port, and a customer L2VPN service between those ports. For all products the complete set of create, modify, terminate, and validate workflows are implemented. Products and product blocks are described in Domain Models that are designed to help the developer manage complex data models and interact with the objects in a user-friendly way. The how and why of this all is described in great detail.

Finally, the use of services is introduced. A service is collections of helper functions that deliver a service to other parts of the code base. The common programming pattern of function overloading is used for the implementation of a service. A service can be as simple as the generation of a description based on the product block domain model, or a complete interface to query, create, update or delete objects in an OSS or BSS. In the example orchestrator, a service is implemented to interface with Netbox that is being used as IMS and IPAM. The mapping between the product blocks and the objects in Netbox are described, and the interface is fully implemented for the supported products.

The example orchestrator is fully functional and showcases how the WFO can be integrated with Netbox.


To capture the Best Common Practices for implementing a network orchestrator using the Workflow Orchestrator (WFO) software framework, an example orchestrator is implemented that can be found at This document can be seen as a reading guide for the code base that has been written, and will highlight many of these practices and the reasoning behind them. A basic understanding of the inner workings of the Workflow Orchestrator is assumed up to a level as discussed in Milestone M7.3 Common NREN Network Service Product Models[^1] and is explained in the workshops that can be found on the Workflow Orchestrator website[^2]. Basic knowledge on designing and operating computer networks and an accompanying product portfolio and procedures is also assumed.

The products and workflows implemented in the example orchestrator are based on a simple fictional NREN that has the following characteristics:

This NREN decided on a phased introduction of automation in their organisation, only automating some of the procedures and flows of information while leaving others unautomated for the moment:

NetBox[^3] is used as IMS and IPAM, and serves as the source of truth for the complete IP address administration and physical and logical network infrastructure. It has a REST based API that makes it easy to integrate with the Workflow Orchestrator.

The GraphQL APIs of WFO and NetBox support Federation[^8] through the GraphQL framework Strawberry[^9].

Example orchestrator

To automate the administration and provisioning of the nodes, core links, customer ports and L2VPN’s of the virtual NREN, an orchestrator is implemented making use of the WFO framework.

Folder layout

Creating an orchestrator based on the WFO framework needs custom integration code that is business specific. This code can be organised like described below. A standard folder layout does not only make it easier to navigate different orchestrator implementations, but also helps with keeping the code organised while the number of products and associated workflows increases. The following layout is recommended and is, for example, also being used in the WFO workshops and by many of the WFO users.

├── migrations
│   └── versions
│   └── schema
├── products
│   ├── product_blocks
│   ├── product_types
│   └── services
│   └── <service>
├── services
│ └── <service>
├── templates
├── translations
├── utils
└── workflows
├── <product>
└── tasks


This is the default location used by Alembic to store migration files. Alembic is a lightweight database migration tool that is part of SQLAlchemy[^4], and uses multiple HEAD’s to allow both the orchestrator-core package and the implementation using this package to maintain its own list of migrations. Usually there is at least a migration file for each new product plus associated workflows that is added to the implementation.


Each product has its own file, named after the product, that describes the product domain model in all its lifecycle stages. For example, the filename for a L2VPN product would be


Products can use one or more product blocks, and product blocks can be shared by different products. Every product block that is defined, has a file with the same name as the product block, to store the domain models in all its lifecycle stages. For example, the core port product block used by the core link product has a file called in this folder.


Collection of helper functions that deliver a service to product related code. For example, the generation of descriptions, or payload for OSS/BSS API’s, for different product and product blocks. For example, the folder products/services/netbox/ contains the NetBox API payload service.


Similar to the product services but with code base wide helper functions. For example, the folder services/netbox/ contains the service that interfaces with the NetBox API.


List of product configuration templates, with a template per product. Based on a template, currently an experimental feature, the WFO can generate skeleton code for: the product and product block domain models, all four types of workflows including input forms, registration of the product and workflows, and the corresponding database migration.


The translations for the WFO GUI for input form fields, subscriptions, subscription instances, and workflows.


A collection of helper functions that are not directly related to the code base but are, for example, used to setup a deployment environment or generate documentation.


Every product has a folder here, named after the product. Each folder contains the collection of workflows for that product. Every workflow has its own file, and the filename is prefixed with the type of workflow. For example, the folder workflows/port/ contains the workflows for the Port product, and the file workflows/port/ contains the Port subscription create workflow.


Throughout the code base, shared folders are used that contain helper functions for that module and below. As good coding practice, it is best to define the helper functions as locally as possible.

Main application

The can be as simple as shown below, and can be deployed by a ASGI server like Uvicorn[^5].

from orchestrator import OrchestratorCore
from orchestrator.cli.main import app as core_cli
from orchestrator.settings import AppSettings

import products
import workflows

app = OrchestratorCore(base_settings=AppSettings())

if __name__ == "__main__":

All other orchestrator code is referenced by importing the products and workflows modules. The application is started with:

uvicorn --host localhost --port 8080 main:app

To use the orchestrator command line interface use:

python --help

Implemented products

In the product.product_types module the following products are defined:

And in the product.product_blocks module the following product blocks are defined:

Usually, the top-level product block if a product is named after the product, but this is not true for the top-level product block of the L2VPN product. The more generic name VirtualCIrcuitBlock allows the reuse of this product block by other services like Internet Access and L3VPN.

The Service Access Point (SAP) product block SAPBlock is used to encapsulate transport specific service endpoint information, in our case Ethernet 802.1Q is used and the SAP holds the VLAN used on the indicated port.

When this example orchestrator is deployed, it can create a growing graph of product blocks as is shown below.

Product Hiearchy Diagram

Product block graph

How to use

human workflows regarding the delivery of products to customers are often comprehensive. To limit the scope of this example orchestrator, but still show the BCP while automating procedures, only inventory management and provisioning are modeled. The implemented products and workflows are designed with particular procedures in mind. For example, it is assumed that the following is administered in IMS outside of the orchestrator:

The task Netbox Bootstrap takes care of initializing Netbox with a default set of this information. For convenience, a task Netbox Wipe is added as well, that will remove all object from Netbox again, including the ones that are created by the different workflows. Tasks can be found in the orchestrator UI in the New tasks pulldown on the tasks page.


The Node create workflow will read all configured, sites and device roles, manufactures types, and allows the user to choose appropriate values using dropdowns. The only thing that needs to be entered by hand is a unique name for the node and an optional description. This is enough to create a node subscription and administer the node in the IMS.

Network interfaces are installed in the nodes by field engineers. The Node product has a “Update node interfaces” workflow that will discover all interfaces on a physical node and will add or remove interfaces from the IMS as needed. For this implementation, this workflow will always return a preconfigured list of 10 and 100 Gbit/s network interfaces. In real world implementation this could have been fetched from the network device with SNMP, NETCONF, gNMI, or something similar. Only basic information on the interfaces is added, which make them available to be used by the create workflows of the core link and customer port products.

There are variants of the node product that allow the creation of nodes for different manufactures, and only the matching device types will be shown in the dropdown.


To build a core link, at least two node subscription should already exist, this is to satisfy the constraint that the A and B side of the core link need to be different. On each node, there should be at least one port available that matches the requested core link speed.


To create a customer port, at least one node should exist with at least one free interface of the requested port speed. The type of port can be untagged, tagged, or link member, but note that currently only one network service product is implemented, and that product only supports tagged ports.


To create a L2VPN services for a customer, at least two customer ports should exist, and every port can only be used once in the same L2VPN. This product is only supported on tagged interfaces, and VLAN retagging is not supported.


The Orchestrator uses the concept of a Product to describe what can be built to the end user. When a user runs a workflow to create a Product, this results in a unique instance of that product called a Subscription. A Subscription is always tied to a certain lifecycle state (eg. Initial, Provisioning, Active, Terminated, etc) and is unique per customer. In other words a Subscription contains all the information needed to uniquely identify a certain resource owned by a user/customer that conforms to a certain definition, namely a Product.

Product description in Python

Products are described in Python classes called Domain Models. These classes are designed to help the developer manage complex subscription models and interact with the objects in a developer-friendly way. Domain models use Pydantic[^6] with some additional functionality to dynamically cast variables from the database, where they are stored as a string, to their correct type in Python at runtime. Pydantic uses Python type hints to validate that the correct type is assigned. The use of typing, when used together with type checkers, already helps to make the code more robust, furthermore the use of Pydantic makes it possible to check variables at runtime which greatly improves reliability.

Example of "Runtime typecasting/safety"

In the example below we attempt to access a resource that has been stored in an instance of a product (subscription instance). It shows how it can be done directly through the ORM and it shows the added value of Domain Models on top of the ORM.

Serialisation direct from the database

>>> some_subscription_instance_value = SubscriptionInstanceValueTable.get("ID")
>>> instance_value_from_db = some_subscription_instance_value.value
>>> instance_value_from_db
>>> if instance_value_from_db is True:
...    print("True")
... else:
...    print("False")

Serialisation using domain models

>>> class ProductBlock(ProductBlockModel):
...     instance_from_db: bool
>>> some_subscription_instance_value = SubscriptionInstanceValueTable.get("ID")
>>> instance_value_from_db = some_subscription_instance_value.value
>>> type(instance_value_from_db)
<class str>
>>> subscription_model = SubscriptionModel.from_subscription("ID")
>>> type(subscription_model.product_block.instance_from_db)
<class bool>
>>> subscription_model.product_block.instance_from_db
>>> if subscription_model.product_block.instance_from_db is True:
...    print("True")
... else:
...    print("False")

As you can see in the example above, interacting with the data stored in the database rows, helps with some of the heavy lifting, and makes sure the database remains generic and it's schema remains stable.

Product Structure

A Product definition has two parts in its structure. The Higher order product type that contains information describing the product in a more general sense, and multiple layers of product blocks that logically describe the set of resources that make up the product definition. The product type describes the fixed inputs and the top-level product blocks. The fixed inputs are used to differentiate between variants of the same product, for example the speed of a network port. There is always at least one top level product block that contains the resource types to administer the customer facing input. Beside resource types, the product blocks usually contain links to other product blocks as well. If a fixed input needs a custom type, then it is defined here together with fixed input definition.


Product types

The product types in the code are upper camel cased. Per default, the product type is declared for the inactive, provisioning and active lifecycle states, and the product type name is suffixed with the state if the lifecycle is not active. Usually, the lifecycle state starts with inactive, and then transitions through provisioning to active, and finally to terminated. During its life, the subscription, an instantiation of a product for a particular customer, can transition from active to provisioning and back again many times, before it ends up terminated. The terminated state does not have its own type definition, but will default to initial unless otherwise defined.

Domain Model a.k.a Product Type Definition

class PortInactive(SubscriptionModel, is_base=True):
    speed: PortSpeed
    port: PortBlockInactive

class PortProvisioning(PortInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]):
    speed: PortSpeed
    port: PortBlockProvisioning

class Port(PortProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    speed: PortSpeed
    port: PortBlock

As can be seen in the above example, the inactive product type definition is subclassed from SubScriptionModel, and the following definitions are subclassed from the previous one. This product has one fixed input called speed and one port product block (see below about naming). Notice that the port product block matches the lifecycle of the product, for example, the PortInactive product has a PortBlockInactive product block, but it is totally fine to use product blocks from different lifecycle states if that suits your use case.

Fixed Input

Because a port is only available in a limited number of speeds, a separate type is declared with the allowed values, see below.

from enum import IntEnum

class PortSpeed(IntEnum):
    _1000 = 1000
    _10000 = 10000
    _40000 = 40000
    _100000 = 100000
    _400000 = 400000

This type is not only used to ensure that the speed fixed input can only take these values, but is also used in user input forms to limit the choices, and in the database migration to register the speed variant of this product.

Wiring it up in the Orchestrator

This section contains advanced information about how to configure the Orchestrator. It is also possible to use a more user friendly tool available here. This tool uses a configuration file to generate the boilerplate, migrations and configuration necessary to make use of the product straight away. Products need to be registered in two places. All product variants have to be added to the `SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL_REGISTRY`, in `products/`, as shown below. ```python from orchestrator.domain import SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL_REGISTRY from products.product_types.core_link import CoreLink SUBSCRIPTION_MODEL_REGISTRY.update( { "core link 10G": CoreLink, "core link 100G": CoreLink, } ) ``` And all variants also have to entered into the database using a migration. The migration uses the create helper function from `orchestrator.migrations.helpers` that takes the following dictionary as an argument, see below. Notice that the name of the product and the product type need to match with the subscription model registry. ```python from orchestrator.migrations.helpers import create new_products = { "products": { "core link 10G": { "product_id": uuid4(), "product_type": "CoreLink", "description": "Core link", "tag": "CORE_LINK", "status": "active", "product_blocks": [ "CoreLink", "CorePort", ], "fixed_inputs": { "speed": CoreLinkSpeed._10000.value, }, }, } def upgrade() -> None: conn = op.get_bind() create(conn, new_products) ```

Product blocks

Like product types, the product blocks are declared for the inactive, provisioning and active lifecycle states. The name of the product block is suffixed with the word Block, to clearly distinguish them from the product types, and again suffixed by the state if the lifecycle is not active.

Every time a subscription is transitioned from one lifecycle to another, an automatic check is performed to ensure that resource types that are not optional are in fact present on that instantiation of the product block. This safeguards for incomplete administration for that lifecycle state.

Resource Type lifecycle. When to use None

The resource types on an inactive product block are usually all optional to allow the creation of an empty product block instance. All resource types that are used to hold the user input for the subscription is stored using resource types that are not optional anymore in the provisioning lifecycle state. All resource types used to store information that is generated while provisioning the subscription is stored using resource types that are optional while provisioning but are not optional anymore for the active lifecycle state. Resource types that are still optional in the active state are used to store non-mandatory information.


class NodeBlockInactive(ProductBlockModel, product_block_name="Node"):
    type_id: int | None = None
    node_name: str | None = None
    ims_id: int | None = None
    nrm_id: int | None = None
    node_description: str | None = None

class NodeBlockProvisioning(NodeBlockInactive, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING]):
    type_id: int
    node_name: str
    ims_id: int | None = None
    nrm_id: int | None = None
    node_description: str | None = None

class NodeBlock(NodeBlockProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    type_id: int
    node_name: str
    ims_id: int
    nrm_id: int
    node_description: str | None = None

In the simplified node product block shown above, the type and the name of the node are supplied by the user and stored on the NodeBlockInactive. Then, the subscription transitions to Provisioning and a check is performed to ensure that both pieces of information are present on the product block. During the provisioning phase the node is administered in IMS and the handle to that information is stored on the NodeBlockProvsioning. Next, the node is provisioned in the NRM and the handle is also stored. If both of these two actions were successful, the subscription is transitioned to Active and it is checked that the type and node name, and the IMS and NRM ID, are present on the product block. The description of the node remains optional, even in the active state. These checks ensure that information that is necessary for a particular state is present so that the actions that are performed in that state do not fail.

Product Block customisation

Sometimes there are resource types that depend on information stored on other product blocks, even on linked product blocks that do not belong to the same subscription. This kind of types need to be calculated at run time so that they include the most recent information. Consider the following example of a, stripped down version, of a port and node product block, and a title for the port block that is generated dynamically.

class NodeBlock(NodeBlockProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    node_name: str

class PortBlock(PortBlockProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    port_name: str
    node: NodeBlock

    def title(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.port_name} on {self.node.node_name}"

class Port(PortProvisioning, lifecycle=[SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE]):
    port: PortBlock

A @serializable_property has been added that will dynamically render the title of the port product block. Even after a modify workflow was run to change the node name on the node subscription, the title of the port block will always be up to date. The title can be referenced as any other resource type using subscription.port.title. This is not a random example, the title of a product block is used by the orchestrator GUI while displaying detailed subscription information.

Workflows - Basics

Workflows are used to orchestrate the lifecycle of a Product Subscription and process the user or systems intent and apply that to the service. As mentioned above a Subscription is created, then modified N number of times, after which it is terminated. During it's life a Subscription may also be validated on a regular basis to check whether there is any drift between the state captured in the Orchestrator and actual state on the system. This workflow is slightly different compared to the workflows that process intent and apply that to a system, as it does not modify the system.

Four types of workflows are defined, three lifecycle related ones to create, modify and terminate subscriptions, and a fourth one to validate subscriptions against the OSS and BSS. The decorators @create_workflow, @modify_workflow, @terminate_workflow, and @validate_workflow are used to define the different types of workflow, and the @step decorator is used to define workflow steps that can be used in any type of workflow.

Workflow Architecture - Passing information from one step to the next

Information between workflow steps is passed using State, which is nothing more than a collection of key/value pairs, in Python represented by a Dict, with string keys and arbitrary values. Between steps the State is serialized to JSON and stored in the database. The step decorator is used to turn a function into a workflow step, all arguments to the step function will automatically be initialised with the value from the matching key in the State. In turn the step function will return a Dict of new and/or modified key/value pairs that will be merged into the State to be consumed by the next step. The serialization and deserialization between JSON and the indicated Python types is done automatically. That is why it is important to correctly type the step function parameters.


Given this function, when a user correctly makes use of the step decorator it is very easy to extract variables and make a calculation. It creates readable code, that is easy to understand and reason about. Furthermore the variables become available in the step in their correct type according to the domain model. Logic errors due wrong type interpretation are much less prone to happen.

Bad use of the step decorator

@step("A Bad example of using input params")
def my_ugly_step(state: State) -> State:
    variable_1 = int(state["variable_1"])
    variable_2 = str(state["varialble_2"])
    subscription = SubscriptionModel.from_subscription_id(state["subscription_id"])

    if variable_1 > 42:
        subscription.product_block_model.variable_1 = -1
        subscription.product_block_model.variable_2 = "Infinity"
        subscription.product_block_model.variable_1 = variable_1
        subscription.product_block_model.variable_2 = variable_2

    state["subscription"] = subscription
    return state

In the above example you see we do a simple calculation based on variable_1. When computing with even more variables, you van imagine how unreadable the function will be. Now consider the next example.

Good use of the step decorator

@step("Good use of the input params functionality")
def my_beautiful_step(variable_1: int, variable_2: str, subscription: SubscriptionModel) -> State:
    if variable_1 > 42:
        subscription.product_block_model.variable_1 = -1
        subscription.product_block_model.variable_2 = "Infinity"
        subscription.product_block_model.variable_1 = variable_1
        subscription.product_block_model.variable_2 = variable_2

    return state | {"subscriotion": subscription}

As you can see the Orchestrator the orchestrator helps you a lot to condense the logic in your function. The @step decorator does the following:


The input form is where a user can enter the details for a subscription on a certain product at the start of the workflow, or can enter additional information during the workflow. The input forms are dynamically generated in the backend and use Pydantic to define the type of the input fields. This also allows for the definition of input validations. Input forms are (optionally) used by all types of workflows to gather and validate user input. It is possible to have more than one input form, with the ability to navigate back and forth between the forms, until the last input form is submitted, and the first (or next) step of the workflow is started. This allows for on-the-fly generation of input forms, where the content of the following form(s) depend on the input of the previous form(s). For example, when creating a core link between two nodes, a first input form could ask to choose two nodes from a list of active nodes, and the second form will present two lists with ports on these two nodes to choose from.

Best Practices for writing workflows While developing a new product, the workflows can be written in any order. For those that use a test-driven development style probably will start with the validate workflow. But in general people start with the create workflow as it helps to discuss the product model (the information involved) and the workflows (the procedures involved) with the stakeholders to get the requirements clear. Once the minimal viable create workflow is implemented, the validate workflow can be written to ensure that all information is administered correctly in all touched OSS and BSS and is not changed again by hand because human workflows were not correctly adapted yet. Then after the terminate workflow is written, the complete lifecycle of the product can be tested. Even when the modify is not implemented, a change to a subscription can be carried out by terminating the subscription and creating it again with the modified input. Finally, the modify workflow is implemented to allow changes to a subscription with minimal or no impact to the customer.

Form Magic

As mentioned before, forms are dynamically created from the backend. This means, little to no frontend coding is needed to make complex wizard like input forms available to the user. When selecting an action in the UI. The first thing the frontend does is make an api call to load a form from the backend. The resulting JSONschema is parsed and the correct widgets are loaded in the frontend. Upon submit this is posted to the backend that does all validation and signals to the user if there are any errors. The following forms are supported:

Workflow examples

What follows are a few examples of how workflows implement the best common practices implemented by SURF. It explains in detail what a typical workflow could look like for provision in network element. These examples can be examined in greater detail by exploring the .workflows.node directory.

Create workflow

A create workflow needs an initial input form generator and defines the steps to create a subscription on a product. The @create_workflow decorator adds some additional steps to the workflow that are always part of a create workflow. The steps of a create workflow in general follow the same pattern, as described below using the create node workflow as an example.

@create_workflow("Create node", initial_input_form=initial_input_form_generator)
def create_node() -> StepList:
    return (
        >> construct_node_model
        >> store_process_subscription(Target.CREATE)
        >> create_node_in_ims
        >> reserve_loopback_addresses
        >> provision_node_in_nrm
  1. Collect input from user (initial_input_form)
  2. Instantiate subscription (construct_node_model):
    1. Create inactive subscription model
    2. assign user input to subscription
    3. transition to subscription to provisioning
  3. Register create process for this subscription (store_process_subscription)
  4. Interact with OSS and/or BSS, in this example
    1. Administer subscription in IMS (create_node_in ims)
    2. Reserve IP addresses in IPAM (reserve_loopback_addresses)
    3. Provision subscription in the network (provision_node_in_nrm)
  5. Transition subscription to active and ‘in sync’ (@create_workflow)

As long as every step remains as idempotent as possible, the work can be divided over fewer or more steps as desired.

Input Form

The input form is created by subclassing the FormPage and add the input fields together with the type and indication if they are optional or not. Additional form settings can be changed via the Config class, like for example the title of the form page.

class CreateNodeForm(FormPage):
    model_config = ConfigDict(title=product_name)

    role_id: NodeRoleChoice
    node_name: str
    node_description: str | None = None

By default, Pydantic validates the input against the specified type and will signal incorrect input and/or missing but required input fields. Type annotations can be used to describe additional constraints, for example a check on the validity of the entered VLAN ID can be specified as shown below, the type Vlan can then be used instead of int.

Vlan = Annotated[int, Ge(2), Le(4094), doc("Allowed VLAN ID range.")]

The node role is defined as type Choice and will be rendered as a dropdown that is filled with a mapping between the role IDs and names as defined in Netbox.

def node_role_selector() -> Choice:
    roles = {str( for role in netbox.get_device_roles()}
    return Choice("RolesEnum", zip(roles.keys(), roles.items()))

NodeRoleChoice: TypeAlias = cast(type[Choice], node_role_selector())

When more than one item needs to be selected, a choice_list can be used to specify the constraints, for example to select two ports for a point-to-point service:

def ports_selector(number_of_ports: int) -> type[list[Choice]]:
    subscriptions = subscriptions_by_product_type("Port", [SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE])
    ports = {str(subscription.subscription_id): subscription.description for subscription in subscriptions)}
    return choice_list(
        Choice("PortsEnum", zip(ports.keys(), ports.items())),

PortsChoiceList: TypeAlias = cast(type[Choice], ports_selector(2))

Extra Validation between dependant fields

Validations between multiple fields is also possible by making use of the Pydantic @model_validator decorator that gives access to all fields. To check if the A and B side of a point-to-point service are not on the same network node one could use:

def separate_nodes(self) -> "SelectNodes":
    if self.node_subscription_id_b == self.node_subscription_id_a:
        raise ValueError("node B cannot be the same as node A")
    return self

For more information on validation, see the Pydantic Validators documentation

Finally, a summary form is shown with the user supplied values. When a value appears to be incorrect, the user can go back to the previous form to correct the mistake, otherwise, when the form is submitted, the workflow is kicked off.

summary_fields = ["role_id", "node_name", "node_description"]
yield from create_summary_form(user_input_dict, product_name, summary_fields)

Modify workflow

A modify workflow also follows a general pattern, like described below. The @modify_workflow decorator adds some additional steps to the workflow that are always needed.

@modify_workflow("Modify node", initial_input_form=initial_input_form_generator)
def modify_node() -> StepList:
    return (
        >> set_status(SubscriptionLifecycle.PROVISIONING)
        >> update_subscription
        >> update_node_in_ims
        >> update_node_in_nrm
        >> set_status(SubscriptionLifecycle.ACTIVE)
  1. Collect input from user (initial_input_form)
  2. Necessary subscription administration (@modify_workflow):
    1. Register modify process for this subscription
    2. Set subscription ‘out of sync’ to prevent the start of other processes
  3. Transition subscription to Provisioning (set_status)
  4. Update subscription with the user input
  5. Interact with OSS and/or BSS, in this example
    1. Update subscription in IMS (update_node_in ims)
    2. Update subscription in NRM (update_node_in nrm)
  6. Transition subscription to active (set_status)
  7. Set subscription ‘in sync’ (@modify_workflow)

Like a create workflow, the modify workflow also uses an initial input form but this time to only collect the values from the user that need to be changed. Usually, only a subset of the values may be changed. To assist the user, additional values can be shown in the input form using ReadOnlyField. In the example below, the name of the node is shown but cannot be changed, the node status can be changed and the dropdown is set to the current node status, and the node description is still optional.

class ModifyNodeForm(FormPage):
    node_name: ReadOnlyField(port.node.node_name)
    node_status: NodeStatusChoice = node.node_status
    node_description: str | None = node.node_description

After a summary form has been shown that lists the current and the new values, the modify workflow is started.

summary_fields = ["node_status", "node_name", "node_description"]
yield from modify_summary_form(user_input_dict, subscription.node, summary_fields)

Terminate workflow

At the end of the subscription lifecycle, the terminate workflow updates all OSS and BSS accordingly, and the @terminate_workflow decorator takes care of most of the necessary subscription administration.

@terminate_workflow("Terminate node",
def terminate_node() -> StepList:
    return (
        >> load_initial_state
        >> delete_node_from_ims
        >> deprovision_node_in_nrm
  1. Show subscription details and ask user to confirm termination (initial_input_form)
  2. Necessary subscription administration (@terminate_workflow):
    1. Register terminate process for this subscription
    2. Set subscription ‘out of sync’ to prevent the start of other processes
  3. Get subscription and add information for following steps to the State (load_initial_state)
  4. Interact with OSS and/or BSS, in this example
    1. Delete node in IMS (delete_node_in ims)
    2. Deprovision node in NRM (deprovision_node_in_nrm)
  5. Necessary subscription administration (@terminate_workflow)
    1. Transition subscription to terminated
    2. Set subscription ‘in sync’

The initial input form for the terminate workflow is very simple, it only has to show the details of the subscription:

class TerminateForm(FormPage):
    subscription_id: DisplaySubscription = subscription_id

Validate workflows

And finally, the validate workflow, used to check if the information in all OSS and BSS is still the same with the information in the subscription. One way to do this is to reconstruct the payload sent to the external system using information queried from that system, and compare this with the payload that would have been sent by generating a payload based on the current state of the subscription. The @validate_workflow decorator takes care of necessary subscription administration. There is no initial input form for this type of workflow.

@validate_workflow("Validate l2vpn")
def validate_l2vpn() -> StepList:
    return (
        >> validate_l2vpn_in_ims
        >> validate_l2vpn_terminations_in_ims
        >> validate_vlans_on_ports_in_ims
  1. Necessary subscription administration (@validate_workflow):
    1. Register validate process for this subscription
    2. Set subscription ‘out of sync’, even when subscription is already out of sync
  2. One or more steps to validate the subscription against all OSS and BSS:
    1. Validate subscription against IMS:
      1. validate_l2vpn_in_ims
      2. validate_l2vpn_terminations_in_ims
      3. validate_vlans_on_ports_in_ims
  3. Set subscription ‘in sync’ again (@validate_workflow)

When one of the validation steps fail, the subscription will stay ‘out of sync’, prohibiting other workflows to be started for this subscription. The failed validation step can be retried as many times as needed until it succeeds, which finally will set the subscription ‘in sync’ and allow other workflows to be started again. This safeguards workflows to be started for subscription with mismatching information in OSS and BSS which would make these workflows likely to fail.

It is better to limit the number of validations done in each step. This will make it easier to see in a glance what discrepancy was found and will make a retry of the failed step much faster. A commonly used strategy is to use separate steps for each OSS and BSS, and separate steps per external system for each payload that was sent. This can be done by comparing a payload created for a product block in the orchestrator with a payload that is generated by querying the external system.

Not only validations per subscription can be done, is also possible to validate other requirements. For example, to make sure that there are no L2VPNs administered in IMS that do not have a matching subscription in the orchestrator, a task (a workflow with Target.SYSTEM) can be written that will retrieve a list of all L2VPNs from IMS and compare it against a list of all L2VPN subscription from the orchestrator.


Services are collections of helper functions that deliver a service to other parts of the code base. The common programming pattern of function overloading is used for the implementation of the service. Function overloading allows the use of multiple functions with the same name that will execute the right function based on the type of the parameters. Python does not allow function overloading, but similar functionality can be achieved through the use of the single dispatch feature that is part of the standard Python library.

First, an interface is defined and decorated with @singledispatch. Then different nameless functions can be registered that implement that interface but for different parameters. Note that only the first parameter will be taken into account to decide which one of the functions need to be execute.

A helper function called single_dispatch_base() is used to keep track of all registered functions and the type of their first argument. This allows for more informative error messages when the single dispatch function is called with an unsupported parameter.

Subscription descriptions

An example of a service is the generation of descriptions for subscriptions or product block instances, the description is generated based on the type of subscription or product block instance. Organising it this way, there is one place where every description is being generated, and changes to the way a description is generated will automatically appear in all places where that description is being used.

The description single dispatch allows a first argument of type product model, product block model, or subscription model, and will call the matching function.

def description(model: Union[ProductModel, ProductBlockModel, SubscriptionModel]) -> str:
    return single_dispatch_base(description, model)

Then, implementations of the description function can be registered, like the generation of a description for a Node product, starting from the provisioning lifecycle state, that will show the name of the node followed by the status of the node in parenthesis.

def _(product: NodeProvisioning) -> str:
    return f"node {product.node.node_name} ({product.node.node_status})"


The Netbox service is an interplay between several single dispatch functions, one to generate the payload for a specific product block, and two others that create or modify an object in Netbox based on the type of payload. The Pynetbox[^7] Python API client library is used to interface with Netbox.


The build_payload() single dispatch allows a first argument of type product block model, and a subscription model parameter that is used when related information is needed from other parts of the subscription. The specified return type is the base class that is used for all Netbox payload definitions.

def build_payload(model: ProductBlockModel, subscription: SubscriptionModel, **kwargs: Any) -> netbox.NetboxPayload:
    return single_dispatch_base(build_payload, model)

When the payload is generated from a product block, the correct mapping is made between the types used in the orchestrator and the types used in the OSS or BSS. For example, the Port product block maps on the Interface type in Netbox, as can be seen below.

def _(model: PortBlockProvisioning, subscription: SubscriptionModel) -> netbox.InterfacePayload:
    return build_port_payload(model, subscription)

def build_port_payload(model: PortBlockProvisioning, subscription: SubscriptionModel) -> netbox.InterfacePayload:
    return netbox.InterfacePayload(
        mode="tagged" if model.port_mode == PortMode.TAGGED else "",
        speed=subscription.speed * 1000,

The values from the product block are copied to the appropriate place in the Interface payload. The interface payload field names match the ones that are expected by Netbox. The speed of the interface is taken from the fixed input speed with the same name on the subscription, the multiplication by 1000 is to convert between Mbit/s and Kbit/s.


To create an object in Netbox based on the type of Netbox payload, the single dispatch create() is used:

def create(payload: NetboxPayload, **kwargs: Any) -> int:
    return single_dispatch_base(create, payload)

When registering the payload type, a keyword argument is used to inject the matching endpoint on the Netbox API that is used to create the desired object. In the example below can be seen that interface payload is to be used against the api.dcim.interfaces endpoint.

def _(payload: InterfacePayload, **kwargs: Any) -> int:
    return _create_object(payload, endpoint=api.dcim.interfaces)

Finally, the payload is used to generate a dictionary as expected by that Netbox API endpoint. Notice that the names of the fields of the Netbox payload have to match the names of the fields that are expected by the Netbox API.

def _create_object(payload: NetboxPayload, endpoint: Endpoint) -> int:
    object = endpoint.create(payload.dict())

The ID of the object that is created in Netbox is returned so that it can be registered in the subscription for later reference, e.q. when the object needs to be modified or deleted.


The single dispatch update() is defined in a similar way, the only difference is that an additional argument is used to specify the ID of the object in Netbox that needs to be updated.

def _(payload: InterfacePayload, id: int, **kwargs: Any) -> bool:
    return _update_object(payload, id, endpoint=api.dcim.interfaces)

The ID is used to fetch the object from the Netbox API, update the object with the dictionary created from the supplied payload, and send the update to Netbox.

def _update_object(payload: NetboxPayload, id: int, endpoint: Endpoint) -> bool:
    object = endpoint.get(id)


The Netbox service defines other helpers as well. For example, to get an single object, or a list of objects, of a specific type from Netbox.

def get_interfaces(**kwargs) -> List:
    return api.dcim.interfaces.filter(**kwargs)

def get_interface(**kwargs):
    return api.dcim.interfaces.get(**kwargs)

Both types of helpers accept keyword arguments that can be used to specify the object(s) that are wanted. For example get_inteface(id=3) will fetch the single interface object with ID equal to 3 from Netbox. And get_interfaces(speed=1000000) will get a list of all interface objects from Netbox that have a speed of 1Gbit/s.


Another set of helpers is defined to delete objects from Netbox. For example, to delete an Interface object from Netbox, see below.

def delete_interface(**kwargs) -> None:
    delete_from_netbox(api.dcim.interfaces, **kwargs)

The keyword arguments allow for different ways to select the object to be deleted, as long as the supplied arguments result in a single object.

def delete_from_netbox(endpoint, **kwargs) -> None:
    object = endpoint.get(**kwargs)

Product block to Netbox object mapping

The modeling used in the orchestrator does not necessarily have to match exactly with the modeling in your OSS or BSS. In many cases, different names are used, or a one-to-many or many-to-one relation needs to be created. To make a future transition to a different external system as easy as possible, any needed mappings, or translations between the models, are isolated in the workflow step(s) that deal with those external systems as much as possible.

The diagram below shows the product blocks and relations as used in a core link between two nodes, and how they map to the objects as administered in Netbox. The product blocks are in orange and the Netbox objects are in green.

Node and core link type mapping

And the following diagram shows the mapping and relation between product blocks and Netbox objects for a L2VPN on customer ports between two nodes.

Node, port and L2VPN type mapping


WFO and NetBox both use the GraphQL framework Strawberry[^9] which supports Apollo Federation[^8]. This allows to expose both GraphQL backends as a single supergraph. WFO can be integrated with any other GraphQL backend that supports[^10] federation and of which you can modify the code. In case of NetBox we don't have direct control over the source code, so we patched it for purposes of demonstration.


The following is required to facilitate GraphQL federation on top of WFO and other GraphQL backend(s):

For more information on federating new GraphQL types, or the existing WFO GraphQL types, please refer to our reference documentation[^11].

Example queries

The following queries assume a running docker-compose environment with 2 configured Nodes. We'll demonstrate how 2 separate GraphQL queries can now be performed in 1 federated query.

NetBox: NetBox device details can be queried from the NetBox GraphQL endpoint at http://localhost:8000/graphql/ (be sure to authenticate first with admin/admin)

query GetNetboxDevices {
  device_list {
    device_type {
      manufacturer {
    site {
netbox query

WFO: Node subscriptions can be queried from the WFO GraphQL endpoint at http://localhost:8080/api/graphql

query GetSubscriptions {
        {field: "product", value: "Node"}
  ) {
    page {
      ... on NodeSubscription {
        node {
wfo query

Federation: Node subscriptions enriched with NetBox device details can be queried from the Federation endpoint at http://localhost:4000

query GetEnrichedSubscriptions {
    {field: "product", value: "Node"}
  ) {
    page {
      ... on NodeSubscription {
        node {
          netboxDevice {
            device_type {
              manufacturer {
            site {
federated query


Application Programming Interface
Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface
Best Common Practice
Business Support System
gRPC Network Management Interface
generic Remote Procedure Call
Graphical User Interface
Inventory Management System
IP Address Management
Layer 2 Virtual Private Network
Layer 3 Virtual Private Network
NETwork CONFiguration protocol
National Research and Education Network
Operation Support System
REpresentational state transfer
Service Access Point
Simple Network Management Protocol
WorkFlow Orchestrator

[^1]: M7.3 Common NREN Network Service Product Models -

[^2]: Workflow Orchestrator website -

[^3]: Netbox is a tool for data center infrastructure management and IP address management -

[^4]: The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper -

[^5]: ASGI server Uvicorn -

[^6]: Pydantic is a data validation library for Python -

[^7]: Pynetbox Python API -

[^8]: Apollo Federation -

[^9]: Strawberry Federation -

[^10]: Apollo Federation support -

[^11]: WFO GraphQL Documentation -

[^12]: Apollo Rover -