workfloworchestrator / orchestrator-ui-library

Component library for the orchestrator-ui (v2) which is published in npm
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Form confirm modal buttons #1052

Open ricardovdheijden opened 3 weeks ago

ricardovdheijden commented 3 weeks ago

The buttons in the confirm modal when leaving a form should be swapped. image

The question is asking to leave, so call to action (primary button) should confirm this action

acidjunk commented 3 weeks ago

I wonder if the cancel button should be left or right, there seem to be a lot of opinions on that: Schermafbeelding 2024-04-26 om 15 51 11

dmarjenburgh commented 4 days ago

Regardless of whether the cancel button is left or right, the confirm action should be to leave and the cancel action to stay.