workfloworchestrator / orchestrator-ui-library

Component library for the orchestrator-ui (v2) which is published in npm
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Orchestrator ui library

This repo contains the generally reusable parts of the orchestrator ui grouped and exposed as pages, components and elements such as icons. It is meant to be used together with an app that includes this library through NPM. For ease of development we have added the orchestrator example app implementation as a submodule in the folder /aps/wfo-ui.

To install and run the app:

git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
# Optionally: to update to the latest version of the git submodule instead of the ones currently pinned to the repo run
git submodule update --remote
cp apps/wfo-ui/.env.example apps/wfo-iu/.env
# change the values in the env file to point to your orchestrator backend
# set auth=false or follow the directions below this sections
npm install
npm run dev

This makes the orchestrator ui run on http://localhost:3000


Using websockets is controlled by NEXT_PUBLIC_USE_WEBSOCKET, when set to 'true' the application tries to open a websocket to ORCHESTRATOR_WEBSOCKET_URL that defaults to ws://localhost:8080 to get updates as they happen. The messages received through this endpoint are used to invalidate the frontend cache that triggers a refetch of data were needed.


AUTH with NextAuth and keycloak

Setup auth with keycloak in docker.


Each PR, which typically addresses an existing ticket from the issue list, should have a reference to the issue (eg use the issue number in the branch name). Furthermore the PR should include a changeset describing the changes of the PR, which will become part of the changelog in NPM.

Release and publish

Preparing the release

npm run packages:changeset

Once the pull-request with a changeset file is merged to the main branch another PR is opened by the Changesets-bot to update the version numbers of the packages. When this pull request gets merged to main an automatic publish to NPM will be performed.

Releaseto NPM

Just merge the Version Packages PR into main, and the packages will be published to npm automatically.


The storybook can be run from the packages/orchestrator-ui-components/ folder, run:

npx storybook dev

Story book can be inspected on http://localhost:61834/.