workfloworchestrator / orchestrator-ui-library

Component library for the orchestrator-ui (v2) which is published in npm
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Make product domain boundary visible in subscription detail page #367

Closed wouter1975 closed 2 weeks ago

wouter1975 commented 7 months ago

With an unlimited coupling of product blocks, it is not clear where the product domain model has ended. It would be good to distinguish which resource types and product blocks belong to the product definition, and which fall outside the product domain boundary.

The mechanism to make this distinguish is based on the owner_subscription_id.

Visual presentation of the boundary

wouter1975 commented 4 months ago

Discuss whether it would be good to hide all resource types of a product block of another subscription owner. And only show the owner subscription with a link. Clicking on the show details shows all information of the PB.


This would be especially good for IP_prefix, which the parent product block is a repetition of the productblock.


Will become:
