worldmaking / mischmasch
MIT License
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v0.6.x render a mischmasch scene on load #216

Closed michaelpalumbo closed 1 year ago

michaelpalumbo commented 1 year ago
michaelpalumbo commented 1 year ago

update: although i resolved #213, automerge is still breaking the site. just importing it alone causes a break. i should switch to using webpack with the following config to see if that resolves it (at the expense of dev build time)...

module.exports = {
  experiments: { asyncWebAssembly: true },
  performance: {       // we dont want the wasm blob to generate warnings
     hints: false,
     maxEntrypointSize: 512000,
     maxAssetSize: 512000
michaelpalumbo commented 1 year ago

even with webpack, just importing it causes the script to freeze and the canvas never even appears. i tried a lot of A-B testing and it just doesn't play nice with the rest of my webxr code. came across y.js which doesn't appear to be written in webassembly, and also seems very similar to automerge (its another CRDT lib).

michaelpalumbo commented 1 year ago

update: now that yjs runs fine in both webpack and vite, reverted to using vite to speed up workflow