worldmaking / mischmasch
MIT License
9 stars 1 forks source link
coding maxmsp mischmasch modular modularsynthesis music sound synthesis vr

michael needs to add to pre-install script:

npm install @mapbox/node-pre-gyp --save

Run with default settings

node app.js

Note: don't run with 'npm start' as the startup flags won't get passed

CLI flags:

--username input a string with no spaces for player name. defaults to system username

--disableVR include this flag to disable VR and run the app with keyboard and mouse

--patchFile enter name of a patch file found in /userData (don't include .json extension). default: blank scene

i.e Load the funzo scene at start

npm start --patchFile funzo

Mouse & Keyboard Controls


Forward: W Back: S Left: A Right: D Turn Left: Left Arrow Turn Right: Right Arrow