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Linear Algebra Done Right Study Group

All discussion happens in the issues page.

Happy studying! :)

If you want to participate in this study group please leave a message in the discussion thread so that I give you the necessary privelages so that you can add labels and similar stuff.

Making issues

For notes make something like this. For exercises something like this (I'll be updating them with each new chapter).


Make two Chapter x issues, one with the Notes label and the other with Exercises label. As you study along you may add the additional help wanted label to get some help (e.g. hint), or question if it's just a question (e.g. can anyone check if my solution is correct? I don't understand this part of the proof, can anyone clarify it?), and remove them once you're done. Don't forget to assign it for yourself and to set a milestone:

How to MathJax + Github

For Chrome users : You just need to install the GitHub with MathJax addon.

For Firefox users :

Install the Greasemonkey extension.

You need to add this userscript which will load MathJax on Github. (Important: Due to some bug this shouldn't work unless you do the following: (for Firefox) go to about:config, click I'll be careful, I promise!, then search for security.csp.enable and set its value to false. Don't forget to set this value back to its default true when you no longer want to use MathJax with Github!)

Then it should work as usual. And here's some $\LaTeX$ to test: $\displaystyle\int_0^1 \dfrac{x^2}{x+1}\ \mathrm{d}x$.

$$\boxed{\ \oint{\partial \Sigma} \mathbf{E} \cdot \mathrm{d}\boldsymbol{\ell} = - \overset{\color{white}{.}}{\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}} \underset{\color{white}{.}}{\iint\Sigma} \mathbf{B} \cdot \mathrm{d}\mathbf{S}\ }$$

(Firefox-only issue: Unfortunately, when moving between different pages the script stops working (one needs to reload the page), can anyone provide a fix for this? Or alternatively load pages in new tabs instead of staying in the same one.)