quadrotor matlab Simulation templates
Rigid model
the reference frame is the world ned frame
the boby frame also is the ned frame
input value:Torque and thrust (Torque in the boby_ned frame ,thrust > 0)
output state: position;Ang;velocity;Angular velocity.
translational velocity mapped to body frame; Angular velocity mapped to body frame.
simulink model
quadrotor model is in model/quadrotor_dynamics.m
Initial position,Initial Ang.(Y,P,R) rad is be set up.
quadrotor parameter is be set in model/mdl_quad.m.
model/quadrotor_plot.m is used to show state.
xy-axes dimension,z-axis dimension control show scale and the size of blue box.
figure handle control the figure handle value.
enable show figure control whether show the figure.(0:false 1:true) Display teh figure will occupy a lot of cpu, it is recommended not to display when debugging.