wp-hooks / generator

Generates a JSON representation of the WordPress actions and filters in your code
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WP Hooks Generator

Generates a JSON representation of the WordPress actions and filters in your code. Can be used with WordPress plugins, themes, and core.

Note: If you just want the hook files without generating them yourself, use the following packages instead:


composer require wp-hooks/generator

Generating the Hook Files

./bin/wp-hooks-generator --input=src --output=hooks

Usage of the Generated Hook Files in PHP

// Get hooks as JSON:
$actions_json = file_get_contents( 'hooks/actions.json' );
$filters_json = file_get_contents( 'hooks/filters.json' );

// Convert hooks to PHP:
$actions = json_decode( $actions_json, true )['hooks'];
$filters = json_decode( $filters_json, true )['hooks'];

// Search for filters matching a string:
$search = 'permalink';
$results = array_filter( $filters, function( array $hook ) use ( $search ) {
    return ( false !== strpos( $hook['name'], $search ) );
} );

var_dump( $results );

Usage of the Generated Hook Files in JavaScript

// Get hooks as array of objects:
const actions = require('hooks/actions.json').hooks;
const filters = require('hooks/filters.json').hooks;

// Search for actions matching a string:
const search = 'menu';
const results = actions.filter( hook => ( null !== hook.name.match( search ) ) );


Ignoring Files or Directories

You can ignore files or directories in two ways:

On the Command Line

./vendor/bin/wp-hooks-generator --input=src --output=hooks --ignore-files="ignore/this,ignore/that"

In composer.json

"extra": {
    "wp-hooks": {
        "ignore-files": [

Ignoring Hooks

You can ignore hooks in two ways:

On the Command Line

./vendor/bin/wp-hooks-generator --input=src --output=hooks --ignore-hooks="this_hook,that_hook"

In composer.json

"extra": {
    "wp-hooks": {
        "ignore-hooks": [

TypeScript Interfaces for the Hook Files

The TypeScript interfaces for the hook files can be found in interface/index.d.ts. Usage:

import { Hooks, Hook, Doc, Tags, Tag } from 'hooks/index.d.ts';

JSON Schema for the Hook Files

The JSON schema for the hook files can be found in schema.json.