wp-persian / wp-jalali

Development repository for wp-jalali
25 stars 15 forks source link

=== wp-jalali === Contributors: zakrot, mani_monaj, gonahkar, moallemi Donate link: http://www.wp-persian.com/donate Tags: Calendar Conversion, Persian, Farsi, Afghan, Tajik, Jalali, Date, Calendar, i18n, l10n Tested up to: 4.0.0 Requires at least: 3.9 Stable tag: 5.0.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Full Jalali calendar support for WordPress and localization improvements for Persian/Afghan/Tajik users.

== Description ==

wp-jalali is a "Full Jalali (خورشیدی - شمسی) Calendar and Persian(Farsi)/Afghan/Tajik" support package for WordPress.

Features include:

This plug-in is part of Persian WordPress Project. Since version 5.0, this plugin is being maintained in collaboration with Zakrot Web Solutions.

== Installation ==

You can install wp-jalali by either using wordpress.org plugin directory, or by directly uploading plugin files to your server.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= What's new in version 5.0?

wp-jalali v5.0 is a full rewrite of the 4.x plugin by Zakrot Web Solutions. This version improves plugin's performance significantly and provides a better user and developer experience.

= Where can I ask my questions regarding this plugin?

= How can I report bugs or contribute to the plugin?

All developments are happening on plugin's github repository. You can use the Issue Tracker to report bugs and issues. You can also send your patches using github Pull Requests feature.

== Screenshots ==

  1. Preview of wp-jalali's Custom Admin Page

== Changelog ==

= 5.0 (Sept 22, 2014) =

= 4.5.3 (Aug 24, 2014) =

= 4.5.2 (Jan 9, 2014) =

= 4.5.1 (Nov 24, 2013) =

= 4.5 (Oct 27, 2013) =

= 4.4 (Dec 12, 2012) =

= 4.3 (Dec 26, 2010) =

= 4.2.4 (Jul 30, 2010) =

= 4.2.3 (Jul 6, 2010) =

= 4.2.2 (Dec 25, 2009) =

= 4.2.1 (Jul 4, 2009) =

= 4.2 (Dec 16, 2008) =

= 4.1 (Aug 12, 2008) =

= 4.0 (Apr 20, 2008) =

= 3.5.1 (Mar 19, 2008) =

= 3.5 (Aug 4, 2007) =