wpmudev / cloner

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INACTIVE NOTICE: This plugin is unsupported by WPMUDEV, we've published it here for those technical types who might want to fork and maintain it for their needs.


Translation files can be found at https://github.com/wpmudev/translations

Cloner will copy any WordPress site on your Multisite network and move it to any URL on the same network with a click.

Making design changes, adding a new line of code or tweaking your theme on a live site is risky business. Just activating the wrong plugin can break your site. Cloner lets you manage and move sites across your network with ease for stress-free editing.

Migrate, Stage, Backup

Cloner makes light work of site migration, backups and safe staging and deployment. Use default settings and copy your entire site or select only the elements you want to transfer. Perfect for managing live sites.


Toggle "on" any of content you want to clone.


It's simple site replication integrated into Multisite.

Simple and Convenient

Cloner combines sophisticated duplicate and move functions with simple setup and use. The ‘clone’ option integrates with the ‘sites’ action menu for convenient access. Navigate to ‘All Sites’, hover and click–it really is that easy.

The Perfect Match–for You

Click the ‘Clone Site’ button and watch as cloner makes quick work of building a replica. Port users, posts, custom post types, pages, comments, terms, menus, attachments and settings for a perfect match, or quickly toggle what content to duplicate for a custom clone.


When your site is ready to go it's easy to push it live.

Stress-free Testing

Work behind the scenes and remove the stress associated with developing and designing on a live site. Stage your site at a private location on your network, make changes to the staged site, then use Cloner to push your changes live.

Pro Sites Awesomeness

If you run your own hosting service powered by Pro Sites your clients will love Cloner. Give your network a competitive edge with simple internal site migration and staging. Offer high traffic sites a test environment – plus save time moving sites.


Build your own WordPress.com or Edublogs with Pro Sites.


To Get Started

Start by reading Installing plugins section in our comprehensive WordPress and WordPress Multisite Manual if you are new to WordPress.

Configuring the Settings

Once installed and network-activated, you’ll see a new menu item in your network admin: Settings > Cloner.

Cloner Settings - Network Admin

Click the _Settings > Cloner _sub-menu item to configure the settings. Cloner - content types to copy

Select all the items you'd like to be copied with the clone process and click the Save Changes button. Next, click on the Sites menu item to go to the sites list in your network admin. Network admin Sites list

Locate a sub-site in the list that you'd like to copy, hover your mouse over the site's name and click Clone to clone the site. Cloner - Sites list - clone option

You'll now be taken to the Clone Site page where you have a few cloning options. Cloner - Clone Site

1. Enter the name for a new site to create

2. Or enter the name of site to replace

3. Click the Clone Site button

Create a new site lets you create a new site that will be a duplicate of the selected site. Replace existing site lets you overwrite an existing site with a copy of the selected site. Begin entering the name of an existing site and an auto-complete list of sites will show, from which you can select one. Press the Clone Site button to commence the cloning process. If you've selected to replace an existing site, you'll see a confirmation page asking if you want to proceed. Press the Continue button to proceed. Once the clone process is started, you'll see a status page notifying you of the progress.

Cloner - setting up your new blog

Once the process is completed, you'll automatically be taken to the cloned site's dashboard. That's all there is to it!