wraithgar / caber

Workout log parser
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String parsing library for logging workouts.


Pass it a string and it will attempt to parse it into a standardized object for storing information about your workout. By default weight will be interpreted as lbs

Use parse to parse activities only, or use workout to have caber try to figure out a name and date for the workout. Date will be a moment object.

By default weights are in lb but you can pass 'kg' as a second parameter to parse to default to kg.

var caber = require('caber');

var workout = caber.workout('Thursday Leg Day\nSquat 135x5, 200x3, 225x4.\nCycling 1:30:00 15 miles (No wind)');


This would output

  "name": "Leg Day",
  "date": "[This will be a moment object]",
  "rawDate": "[This will be what the string that generated the date was]",
  "activities": [
      "name": "Squat",
      "sets": [
          { "reps": 5, "weight": 135, "unit": "lb" },
          { "reps": 3, "weight": 200, "unit": "lb" },
          { "reps": 4, "weight": 225, "unit": "lb" }
    }, {
      "name": "Bench Press",
      "sets": [
          { "reps": 9, "weight": 100, "unit": "lb" },
          { "reps": 9, "weight": 100, "unit": "lb" },
          { "reps": 9, "weight": 100, "unit": "lb" },
          { "reps": 9, "weight": 100, "unit": "lb" }
    }, {
      "name": "Cycling",
      "sets": [
          { "time": 5400, "distance": 15, "unit": "miles" }
      "comment": "No wind"
var caber = require('caber');

var workout = caber.parse('Squat 135x5, 200x3, 225x4.\nBench Press 100x9x4\nCycling 1:30:00 15 miles (No wind)');


This would output

    "name": "Squat",
    "sets": [
        { "reps": 5, "weight": 135, "unit": "lb" },
        { "reps": 3, "weight": 200, "unit": "lb" },
        { "reps": 4, "weight": 225, "unit": "lb" }
  }, {
    "name": "Bench Press",
    "sets": [
        { "reps": 9, "weight": 100, "unit": "lb" },
        { "reps": 9, "weight": 100, "unit": "lb" },
        { "reps": 9, "weight": 100, "unit": "lb" },
        { "reps": 9, "weight": 100, "unit": "lb" }
  }, {
    "name": "Cycling",
    "sets": [
        { "time": 5400, "distance": 15, "unit": "miles" }
    "comment": "No wind"

As you can see in that example, comments after sets can be put in parenthesis to be found

If a given entry is a PR, end it with an asterisk (*) and it will be tagged as such

var workout = caber.parse('Deadlift 450x5, 500x1*');
    "name": "Deadlift",
    "sets": [
        {"reps": 5, "weight": 450, "unit": "lb"},
        {"reps": 1, "weight": 500, "unit": "lb", "pr": true}