Welcome to Ets-two! Ets-two is an Etsy clone. Etsy is an e-commerce application where users can create stores and sell goods from them. On Ets-two users can view products, leave reviews, and browse different categories of goods.
Users can securely signup, login, and logout with proper password encryption.
Both logged in and non-logged in users can view a list of products on the Ets-two homepage. By clicking on a specific product, they will be brought to a product page with information on price, description, and user reviews.
Below you can see Ets-two simply fetches the products from the backend and displays them for view on the home page:
export default function ProductsIndex() {
const dispatch = useDispatch();
const navigate = useNavigate();
const products = useSelector(selectProductsArray);
useEffect(() => {
}, [dispatch]);
<div id="outerMostContainer">
<div id="productsContainer">
{products.map(product => {
return <div className="productCard" key={product.id} onClick={() => navigate(`/products/${product.id}`)}>
<img className="productPhotoUrl" src={product?.photoUrl} />
The product page dynamically renders the review form for only users that are logged in. Non-logged-in users can still view reviews. (Note we the profile icon in the top right which means we are currently logged in and can see the review button)
<div id="productShowContainer">
<div className="productContainer" id="mainPictureContainer">
<img className="productPhotoUrl" src={product?.photoUrl} />
<div className="productContainer" id="descriptionContainer">
<p className="productPrice">${product.price}</p>
<p className="productName">{product.name}</p>
<p className="productDescription">{product.description}</p>
<Link to="/">Home</Link>
<div id="linksForUser">
<div id="reviewsContainer">
{reviews.map(review => {
return <div className="reviewCard" key={review.id}>
<p className="reviewRating">{Array.from({ length: review.rating }, (_, index) => <span key={index}>★</span>)}</p>
<p className="reviewBody">{review.body}</p>
{sessionUser?.id === review.userId ? <button id="deleteRevButton" onClick={() => dispatch(deleteReview(review.id))}>D</button> : null}
{sessionUser?.id === review.userId ? <button id="updateRevButton" data-review={JSON.stringify(review)} onClick={handleUpdateReview}>U</button> : null}
Users can view reviews on product pages. Logged-in users can create, update, and delete reviews for specific products. "Hanle Submit" on the rview form offers a lot of functionality: Dynamically closes the modal, auto-fills if updating a review, and of course persists review to DB so we can see the page update with new info.
const handleSubmit = (e) => {
let reviewBackgroundClose = document.getElementById("createReviewBacgkround");
let reviewClose = document.getElementById("createReviewContainer");
reviewBackgroundClose.style.display = "none";
reviewClose.style.display = "none";
if (review) {
return dispatch(reviewActions.updateReview(theReview))
.catch(async (res) => {
let data;
try {
data = await res.clone().json();
} catch {
data = await res.text();
if (data?.errors) setErrors(data.errors);
else if (data) setErrors([data])
else setErrors([res.statusText]);
} else {
return dispatch(reviewActions.createReview(theReview))
.catch(async (res) => {
let data;
try {
data = await res.clone().json();
} catch {
data = await res.text();
if (data?.errors) setErrors(data.errors);
else if (data) setErrors([data])
else setErrors([res.statusText]);