wri / gfw-mapbuilder

Template for the GFW Map Builder that is available through ArcGIS Online, as a stand-alone web application, & a library to build custom Forest Atlas web applications
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In report, updating time range for one widget does not carry over to analysis settings in other widgets. #634

Open richardbarad opened 4 years ago

richardbarad commented 4 years ago

In the report, if you:

a. Update the time range for the Total Tree Cover Loss gain from 2001 – 2018, to 2006 – 2018 b. Update the tree cover density threshold from 30 to another number (i.e: 50) c. Click run analysis d. Open the settings for the Annual Tree Cover Loss Analysis:

i. The tree cover density threshold updates to match the value I selected in step b above. ii. However, the time range does not automatically update to reference the same time period as what I had selected in step a

2019-10-23 09_45_15-Blue Raster Site - CMR

We should make sure the time slider shows the same behavior as the tcd threshold selector.

richardbarad commented 4 years ago

Blue Raster comments that: Blue Raster is open to reviewing this, however we have observed that not all start and end dates may be in sync across future datasets and may introduce issues within the report. For example, if an additional time range widget is introduced in the future it may not have the same time span of data as Tree Cover Loss. Thus, carrying over the time range from one widget to another may be problematic as MapBuilder scales and grows. Blue Raster is open to modifying the report so the Tree Cover Density does not carry over from one widget to another.

It is decided that we should go the option of modifying the report so the Tree Cover Density does nor carry over from one widget to another.

Thus, if I change a tree cover density setting for the tree cover loss widget in a report the settings should not carry over to the other widgets which also are based on tree cover loss.