wri / gfw-mapbuilder

Template for the GFW Map Builder that is available through ArcGIS Online, as a stand-alone web application, & a library to build custom Forest Atlas web applications
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GFW Map Builder ArcGIS Online Template

Template for the GFW Map Builder that will be available through ArcGIS Online.

Getting Started

Before you can begin, make sure you have node.js.

Env variables

Create .env file at the root of the project and add REACT_APP_PLANET_API_KEY checkout .env.examples file. Reach out to point of contact for Mapbuilder and ask for api key

Install all the javascript dependencies.

npm install

Start the server and then the app will be served at http://localhost:3000.

npm start

Generating a build

You will need node.js installed for these steps

Run the following command to generate a build to the webpackBuild directory.

npm run build


This application has a general (resources.js). file that contains things controlled by the developers. Also, the Resources file contains configurations that are controlled via ArcGIS Online or whomever may be deploying the application. You can control things like the layers in the accordion, their source urls, their order on the map and in the UI, service urls (print, geometry, map, etc.), which layers to include in the analysis, and even the configurations for slope analysis and other aspects of the analysis. Anything that needs to be controlled from ArcGIS Online or the person deploying it, should be placed in resources.js.

To ensure that your resources.js has a valid configuration run the following command

npm run test

These Jest unit tests will ensure that you have correctly configured any properties that are required in the layerPanel and analysisModules sections.

Configuring Layers and Accordions

The layers and the accordion are now more easily configurable via the resources.js file. Layers that you want to appear on the map but not in the accordion should be placed under extraLayers. The configuration structure is as follows:

  order: 1,
  label: {
    en: 'Land Cover Dynamics',
    fr: 'Evolution de l\'occupation des sols',
    es: 'Dinámica de la Cobertura del Suelo',
    pt: 'Land Cover Dynamics',
    id: 'Land Cover Dynamics',
    zh: '土地覆盖动态数据'
  layers: [{
    order: 1,
    id: 'TREE_COVER_LOSS',
    type: 'image',
    url: 'https://gis-treecover.wri.org/arcgis/rest/services/ForestCover_lossyear_density/ImageServer',
    technicalName: 'tree_cover_loss',
    legendLayer: 0,
    colormap: [[1, 219, 101, 152]],
    inputRange: [1, 15],
    outputRange: [1],
    label: {
      en: 'Tree cover loss',
      fr: 'Perte en couvert arboré',
      es: 'Pérdida de la cobertura arbórea',
      pt: 'Tree cover loss',
      id: 'Tree cover loss',
      zh: '森林覆盖损失'
    sublabel: {
      en: '(annual, 30m, global, Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA)',
      fr: '(annuel, 30m, global, Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA)',
      es: '(anual, 30m, global, Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA)',
      pt: '(annual, 30m, global, Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA)',
      id: '(annual, 30m, global, Hansen/UMD/Google/USGS/NASA)',
      zh: '(每年更新, 30米, 全球覆盖, 汉森/马里兰大学/谷歌/美国地质测量局(USGS)/美国宇航局(NASA))'

Properties for the groups and layers are described in detail in the resources file, but here is a brief description of what you see above as well:

Adding Additional Groups

We are now supporting the ability to add additional group accordions to the layer panel. To add a new group, simply add another entry into the layerPanel object (described above in the 'Configuring' section). Below is an example group that you can copy and paste into the layerPanel object and edit to the configuration that you need. Follow any instructions/suggestions in the commented lines (preceded by //), then be sure to delete any commented lines before you save. Any properties that are commented out are optional, you may safely delete those if they are not needed for your group (exceptions will be noted below).

// Change the group name to something descriptive and unique. It should be all caps with words separated by underscores.
  // Properties must not be duplicated. One groupType is required. Choose one and uncomment it, then delete the others.
  // groupType: 'checkbox',
  // groupType: 'radio',
  // groupType: 'nested',

  // Edit the order of this group and the other groups. This determines the order they appear in the layer panel.
  order: 1,
  label: {
    // Edit the group label, this can be anything you want it to be
    en: 'Group Label',
    // Optionally add labels for additional languages (see the section on Strings and Translations below).
    // fr: 'Label for French Language'
  layers: [
    // Uncomment the layer item under the corresponding groupType that you selected earlier, then duplicate for any additional layers in this group.

    // {
    //   Required - the layer id generated from your AGOL webmap
    //   id: 'layer_id_1234',

    //   Required - the order that you would like this layer to appear within the group accordion section (1 will appear ABOVE 2)
    //   order: 1,

    //   Optional - sublabel for the layer
    //   sublabel: {
    //     en: 'Layer sublabel',
    //     fr: 'Sublabel for French Language'
    //   }
    // }

    // RADIO
    // {
    //   Required - the layer id generated from your AGOL webmap
    //   id: 'layer_id_1234',

    //   Required - the order that you would like this layer to appear within the group accordion section
    //   order: 1,

    //   If this is a MapServiceLayer you must include the following property. This lets the application know which sublayers you would like included in this group.
    //   includedSublayers: [0, 1, 2, 3],

    //   Optional - the sublabel for the layer.
    //   sublabel: {
    //     en: 'Layer Sublabel',
    //     fr: 'Sublabel for French Language'
    //   }
    //   Note: If this is a MapServiceLayer, the sublayer that the sublabel belongs to must be specified.
    //   sublabel: {
    //     0: {
    //       en: 'Sublayer 0 Sublabel',
    //       fr: 'Sublayer 0 Sublabel for French Language'
    //     },
    //     1: {
    //       en: 'Sublayer 1 Sublabel',
    //       fr: 'Sublayer 1 Sublabel for French Language'
    //     }
    //   }
    // }

    // NESTED
    // {
    //   Required - the order that you would like this layer grouping to appear within the group accordion section
    //   order: 1,

    //   Required - the label of the nested layer grouping
    //   label: {
    //     en: 'Nested grouping label',
    //     fr: 'Nested grouping label for French Language'
    //   },

    //   Required - the layers that will appear in this grouping
    //   nestedLayers: [
    //     {
    //       Required - the layer id generated from your AGOL webmap
    //       id: 'layer_id_1234',

    //       Required - the order that you would like this layer to appear within the nested grouping
    //       order: 1,

    //       Optional - sublabel for the layer
    //       sublabel: {
    //         en: 'Layer sublabel',
    //         fr: 'Sublabel for French Language'
    //       }
    //     }
    //   ]
    // }

Configuring Popups for layers not in Webmaps

This is currently only supported for dynamic layers and feature layers. A popup configuration has some elements it must contain to keep the styling looking appropriate and they are outlined below. Here is an example layer configuration that contains a popup configuration (NOTE the addition of popup at the bottom):

order: 6,
type: 'dynamic',
url: 'http://gis-potico.wri.org/arcgis/rest/services/Fires/Global_Fires/MapServer',
technicalName: 'noaa18_fires',
layerIds: [0, 1, 2, 3],
label: {
sublabel: {
popup: {
  title: {
    en: 'Active Fires'
  content: {
    en: [
      {'label': 'Brightness', 'fieldExpression': 'BRIGHTNESS'},
      {'label': 'Confidence', 'fieldExpression': 'CONFIDENCE'},
      {'label': 'Latitude', 'fieldExpression': 'LATITUDE'},
      {'label': 'Longitude', 'fieldExpression': 'LONGITUDE'},
      {'label': 'Acquisition Date', 'fieldExpression': 'ACQ_DATE:DateString(hideTime:true)'},
      {'label': 'Acquisition Time', 'fieldExpression': 'ACQ_TIME'}

This way you can add more languages and also use modifiers on fields. fieldExpression get's used in the same manner the JSAPI uses fields for popup content, in a string like so: '\${BRIGHTNESS}'. This is why we can use modifiers like ACQ_DATE:DateString(hideTime:true). You can see a list of available modifiers here: Format info window content


This portion refers to how a developer could add some new strings, if you are looking at adding translations, see Translations below. The convention to add new strings to the application is to add them in each language, in src/js/languages.js. The name should be all uppercase separated by an underscore. For example, a link in the navigation bar for the word about would be added four times, once for each supported language in their appropriate section, like so:

strings.en.NAV_ABOUT = 'About';
strings.fr.NAV_ABOUT = 'About';
strings.es.NAV_ABOUT = 'About';
strings.pt.NAV_ABOUT = 'About';

Then in your components, or any other part of the code, simply import the languages module, get the current language from React's context(or pass it out from a component if needs be).

import text from 'js/languages';

export default class MyComponent extends Component {
  static contextTypes = {
    language: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

  render() {
    const { language } = this.context;

    return <div>{text[language].NAV_ABOUT}</div>;


If you are adding or fixing translations. The strings used in the application can be found in two locations. The majority of them will be in the src/js/languages.js file. They are prefixed by the two digit country code. Add the appropriate translation in the correct language section. You may see something like this:

strings.en.DATA = 'Data'; //English
strings.fr.DATA = 'Data'; // French
strings.es.DATA = 'Data'; // Spanish
strings.pt.DATA = 'Data'; // Portuguese

The other location is the src/js/resources.js file. There are layers and basemaps each with subsections for each of the four languages. In each subsection is an array or objects containing the layer configuration. Be careful what you change in here, the only three things related to labels are label, sublabel, and group. The group refers to the name on the accordion, it needs to be the same as the other layers in the same group (they are linked by a groupKey).


Backup 1.5.0 folder

aws s3 sync s3://wri-sites/gfw-mapbuilder.org/library.gfw-mapbuilder.org/1.5.0/ /Users/dstarr/Desktop/MapbuilderBackups/04212022/ --profile wri

Copy dist folder into 1.5.0 aws folder

aws s3 sync --content-type "text/html" /Users/dstarr/Documents/dev/gfw-mapbuilder/dist/ s3://wri-sites/gfw-mapbuilder.org/library.gfw-mapbuilder.org/1.5.0/ --profile wri

Copy dist > 1.5.0.js file in dist folder into 1.5.0.js file in aws folder

aws s3 cp --content-type "text/html" /Users/dstarr/Documents/dev/gfw-mapbuilder/dist/loader/1.5.0.js s3://wri-sites/gfw-mapbuilder.org/library.gfw-mapbuilder.org/1.5.0/1.5.0.js --profile wri

Clear cache

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E58RE0T7L0R9N --path "/" --profile wri

aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id E2B81LN86UDRTJ --path "/" --profile wri